picnic kit

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    greg press


    I just talked to jberry on messenger and became curious I bought my LR never drove it only saw video .When it showed up there was a picnic kit with wine glasses ,cutting board ,cheese slicer , napkins and other things for a picnic . I wonder is a LR thing or did other cars have this. The MG club sells a picnic kit on there website

    Montie Henderson


    I don’t know if any car company actually made one.  We put together our own and carry to some of the car shows, as a display thing.  We use it too when ever we head out for a picnic.



    Hey Greg, my Dutchess kit from Classic Roadsters in Fargo, ND, did not come with a picnic basket. The wife and I found a nice lined basket, and added our own stuff for four people. We also have a portable zippered canvas bag that holds two wine bottles, and accessories. This is the most important part of our picnic set up. 😉 A big shout out of thanks for the side curtains, I am now starting to sew a new vinyl top for my MGTDr, and will add zippers for side curtains. As promised, pics will be forth coming, but it will be a while.

    Lakeland, Florida
    Where we drive topless every day

    Lakeland, Florida, where we drive Topless every day

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