Radio/ipod on the lafer

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  • #234080


    Hi gang,
    I am in the process of updating my entertainment center on the old Lafer.  I used to have a small portable stereo, which used double D batteries, mainly because I did not want to mess with the wiring.

    But I think the time has come to actually try to connect a stereo (  I don’t want to remove the one on the dash (which has never worked). I’d like to leave the old radio on the dash, because it looks good there.  The only thing it does is light up from time to time when I turn it on.

    My plan is to put the new radio under the passenger seat. 

    So my question is this:
    How difficult would it be to install/connect this stereo or similar to the old Lafer.  Has anyone done it?
    If so, did you connect directly to the battery? Can you offer any tips?
    Thanks much,

    edward ericson


    Since you’re keen to keep the old one in place, any chance you could get it fixed–or replaced with one just like it? Having a non-working stereo face in the dashboard just “for looks” while a separate head unit is mounted elsewhere seems just . . . odd.

    Here’s a company that claims expertise in fixing old car radios. Not an endorsement, but if I were you I’d at least call them and see what they say. And maybe call a few others too.

    Oh, yeah: and you want an ipod jack too? They got a hack for that.
    edsnova2012-04-05 21:27:09



    Thanks. I will take a look. :O)

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