Who Knows Mark Welch?

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    Bebop here.  I got an E-mail from a guy I met up with from the MGTD site about 6 years ago named Mark Welch.  He said he was going to be around again and we should meet up and have another beer or whatever.  I wrote him back to say OK but his g-mail came back to me “Undeliverable’ so please if anyone knows him let him know and send me mail to Jeepbebop@aol.com   Thanks, its early about March 19 2018.

    Randy in Chandler Arizona, great B-bopp'in teritory. I must have the only one in the country made by Rich Industries in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, on a 1986 Ford Cortina (english ford escort) It's a 1600cc straight four cylinder front engne, 4 speed, changed from right side driver to left side with several shafts and u-joints. BEBOP because I once had an MGB with license plate MG-BEPOP in Virginia.

    Paul Mossberg


    Sorry Randy. Other than here on the TD  site, I do not know Mark.

    The last time he logged in here was in May 2017.

    Shoot me a private message (pmossberg) with the email address you have, and I’ll compare it to the one in his profile.

    Paul Mossberg
    Former Owner of a 1981 Classic Roadsters Ltd. Duchess (VW)
    2005 Intermeccanica Roadster

    If you own a TDr and are not in the Registry, please go to https://tdreplica.com/forums/topic/mg-td-replica-registry/ and register (you need to copy and paste the link)



    I’m back amonst the living again.  This is me.  Hi Randy.  Yes, i had email issue with gmail for a few months, yet I hope that is cleared up by now.  I’ve been getting gmail e-mail for a few months again.  I’m going to need a lot of help getting my London Roadster on the road again.



    Randy, I’m still around. I’m finally getting my VW engine rebuilt after it seized about 2 months ago. Do you still have your car, we should try to meet up. Do you know about the Arizona Kit Car Club?
    Mark Welch in Phoenix, AZ

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