Can anyone use?

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  • #233334


    I have a Moss Motors Interior Upholstery Kit for a 1952 MG TD without the

    leather seat covers and backing (they were the only things I could use). All

    the other bits and pieces are there. The catalogue number is 245-568, color


    I’m giving it away to anyone who can use it for the cost of shipping.

    Larry Murphy


     Hi, From the picture of the guages in your photo gallery, I think you have a BCW. Did you not use all of the kit because it would not fit or did you not need to replace all the pieces? I have a BCW and am interested in what you have if it will work in my car but if it will not fit, I would rather someone have it who could use it.



    It is a BCW. The reason I didn’t use the other pieces is because they didn’t

    fit. The door panel were close, but no banana.

    I posted some new photos to the Photo Galley, but really screwed up the one

    with the question mark. Now I can’t delete the extra ones!

    edward ericson


    I’ll take it.

    Larry Murphy


     Thanks for the quick reply,. Mark [Pink MG] redid the seats and door panels in real leather befor I got the car.The rest of the interior is still in the BCW original carpet material, both the floor and side panels as well as the area bebind the seat. I would like to do it all to match but I’m thinking the leather may be hard to match since it’s several years old now. Not to mention that it would be expensive too. If the peices you have will not fit your car ,they would not work for me either. You are very generous to offer them for the shipping costs but I will not take something that someone else can use .

     Thanks for the pictures, That’s a great looking BCW you have . It reminds me of one that was recently sold in New Jersey. They are really quality cars.

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