Dec. 1951 MG test drive

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    edward ericson


    Googlin’ around I just ran across this reprint from the Dec. 1951 issue of “Science and Mechanics Magazine,” wherein they flogged a TD up Mt. Washington.

    Excellent (also grainy & B&W) photos of a bone-stock ’51 Sportster. Note the wheels–different from the 15-hole jobbies we see today.

    These guys loved this car. Fave quote:

    the acceleration tests, the car went from 0 to 50 mph in the
    exceptionally fast time of 14.9 seconds – there’s no doubt this car was built
    for sparkling performance. Its pickup from 0 to 60 mph is measured at 23
    seconds. And its best cruising speed or harmonic balance point – is around 67

    Sounds a lot like my 1300cc VW-powered version. Only maybe slower.

    Piece makes a great contrast to the oft-cited Car Talk guys’ test drive report on Tommy’s ’52.

    Anyway, if y’all already seen it, sorry. I did a search before posting.

    Paul Mossberg


    That is a great find Ed! Thanks.

    If you ever get a chance to drive the road up Mt. Washington NH…do it.

    Great drive, and simply awesome at the top.

    The day we did it, in a kit car by the way, but not my TD, it was t-shirts and shorts weather at the base of the mountain…and snowing at the top!

    Highest wind speed ever recorded in the world was at the top of Mt Washington; 231 mph in April 1934.

     The Mt Washington Observatory web site proudly proclaims to be the “Home of the World’s Worst Weather”.

    Check it out…


    Paul Mossberg
    Former Owner of a 1981 Classic Roadsters Ltd. Duchess (VW)
    2005 Intermeccanica Roadster

    If you own a TDr and are not in the Registry, please go to and register (you need to copy and paste the link)

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