Speedometer issue

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    Rene Toussaint


    <p style=”padding-left: 40px; text-align: left;”>My VDO speedometer is acting up. The MPH needle works fine. The odometer and the Trip meter are the one’s acting up. Sometimes they work and other times they don’t accumulate any miles. I’ve been getting them to work sometimes my playing around with the zero knob.</p>
    anyone know if they are repairable and if the are who does them. I’m going to try and attatch a picture of it.

    update: I can’t insert a picture. HELP!!!
    <p style=”padding-left: 40px;”>The speedometer has a black face</p>



    The speedometer should be repairable. There are two dhops that I know of that dtill repair old speedos.
    One is in Tempe, Arizona (next door to Phoenix) called Dick’s Speed O Tach.

    The other is North Hollywood Speedometer in North Hollywood, California. (Near Los

    I do not have their phone or address numbers handy, yet I have used both. Dick’s usually has a quicker turn around time, yet both are good.

    Rene Toussaint


    Thank you for the help. I’m going to call Dick’s maybe tomorrow and possibly get some kind of quote. If I like it, the next thing will be getting it out of the dash. It is buried behind wires.



    Yes even living close by, they wanted the speedo out of the car.



    My VDO Speedo was doing the same thing. I decided to take it apart. I found there was a jackshaft between gear sets that had become misaligned. It snapped back into place easily enough. Problem fixed. Replacement bezels are available on the VDO website.

    Search for forum topic “ Odometer” for photos and detailed instructions.

    Hope this helps.

    Bill Ascheman
    Fiberfab Ford
    Modified 5.0, 5sp., 4:11
    Autocross & Hillclimb
    "Drive Happy"

    Rene Toussaint


    I did do a search for odometer and came up empty



    It’s there. I can pull it up, but, you’re right, a general search does not work. Send your email address to ‘billnparts@yahoo.com” and I’ll try to send it direct.

    Bill Ascheman
    Fiberfab Ford
    Modified 5.0, 5sp., 4:11
    Autocross & Hillclimb
    "Drive Happy"

    Rene Toussaint


    We’ll I was able to get the speedometer out of the dash. The next thing is getting the bezel off without destroying it. I’m sure they crimp the outer edge after it’s all assembled. I sent Bill an Email looking for advice. Any ideas here?

    edward ericson


    Use a very small screwdriver to pry the bezel edge out. Go slow and shallow. After you get about 2/3 around you’ll be able to take it off. Do it carefully; there’s a gasket in there and the face may be glass.

    Rene Toussaint


    I took it to a repair shop this morning about two hours away south off Boston. The guy who is suppose to work on it just left for vacation and will be gone all next week. There was another guy there and I asked him if they had a special tool to remove the bezel without destroying the bezel. He didn’t know but said that the guy would never destroy the bezel. He would mail it back to me before damaging it.
    I figuired out on what to do if I get it back not fixed. The housing has a small lip all around it and that’s what stops the gage from going through the hole in the dash. All the bezel does is hold the glass. I figured I could chuck up the housing in a lathe and on low RPM machine off just enough of the edge of the bezel so I can easily pop it off. Then after making repairs and the speedometer is back in place in the dash, then using silicon I can glue the bezel in place to hold the glass. All done I hope my repair is the same as yours Bill.
    I have to wait to see what the repair guy is going to do.

    Rene Toussaint


    We’ll, as I figuired, the repair guy couldn’t take it apart without destroying the bezel. I  called VDO and at one time like 15 years ago, bezels were available through VDO but not anymore.  There is no way to remove a bezel without destroying it or at least at a minimum it would end up being warped so bad it would look like hell.
    I did chuck it up in a lathe and was able to take a skim chip on the crimped part of the bezel. I took off about 0.005” and part of the crimp came off. This allowed the bezel with the glass to come right off also.

    Thanks to billnparts he sent me a Email with pictures showing what he had found 15 years ago when his stopped working. Mine was almost the same issue but not quite. At least I knew where to look. I made some adjustments and got it working. I used a square point bit in my cordless drill in order to spin the speedometer.
    Keep in mind that the crimp/raised flange on the housing was still there. That flange keeps the assembly from being pulled through the hole.  So I reinstalled the assembly and took it for a ride. YES. Now the odometer and the trip meter work again.
    Using a clear silicone i cemented the glass into the bezel. Now it’s just a matter of cementing that assembly to the dash. It will look perfect like it never was taking apart.

    if anyone has a 3” VDO mechanical speedometer and the odometer and trip meter doesn’t work, let me know and I can help you.

    Thanks again Bill

    Rene Toussaint


    When I was working on it, I accidentialy slid the shaft out a little which hold the numbers for the odometer. When I finally put it back together, there was one number that wasn’t aligned with the others. Stupid me. Well I could live with one number being off a little. So I put on about 40 miles today and now they’re 3 numbers not aligned. The trip meter is working fine. Now I need to decide do I keep this
    original speedometer or go to plan B and Install the new one.
    Keep I’m mind the new one, the numbers are a slight different than the original and it would sit right next to the tach so they wouldn’t match. What to do now!!!!



    Have you tried  a manual reset of the trip meter?  That might realign all the numbers.(Maybe)

    Bill Ascheman
    Fiberfab Ford
    Modified 5.0, 5sp., 4:11
    Autocross & Hillclimb
    "Drive Happy"

    Rene Toussaint


    No I didn’t. This morning the numbers in the odometer were 30997. The 0 and both 9’s were out of sink. I took it off for a ride and all four numbers on the right had to rotate. All the numbers are now in decent alignment . One of the 9’s is off. So I’m going to keep this speedometer. Hopefully in time it will correct itself.
    I don’t want to try and zero all the numbers by using the manual button on the trip meter. I’m checking the fuel mileage using the trip meter. I’ll try what you recommend. Thank Bill



    North Hollywood Speed shop in California ir Dick’s Speed & Tach in Tempe (Phoenix), Arizona are two of the remaining repair shops.

    Rene Toussaint


    I did call those two shops back about 6 weeks ago. They both gave me estimates of $450.00 to $500.00 plus parts. No way would I do that. Thankfully I was able to remove the bezel with no damage at all, make the repair and reinstall it. Only one number is off slightly but I’m good with at



    Wow! That’s more than I paid for two speedometer rebuilds.

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