
  • Ian Tait posted an update 7 years, 10 months ago

    charging system is not working took it to a shop charged me an arm and a leg to tell me they couldn’t find the problem lookin for a mechanic in the kw area of ontario who knows 1970 vw bug system

    • Welcome to the site, sorry your having issues. I am in the Etobicoke area. I will check and see if I can find someone in the Kitchener/Waterloo area for you

      • Thanks Rick it turned out to be dirty contacts cleaned them up and charging fine now, just got this mg 3 months ago noticed you got a new top I have a vinyl one right now pretty crappy can I ask you where you got yours and cost.
        Thanks Ian

        • Hi Ian, sorry about not getting back to you sooner. I decided to go with a cloth top looks more authentic. I decided to use Sunbrella fabric, the type of canvas that they use on boat tops, I just got a hold of a local boat top guy gave him my old vinyl top to use as a pattern. He charged me $600 all in for the top, tonnoue cover, and side, got him to do a roll up rear window so I can use it in the hot sun and get some shade with a nice breeze blowing thru. Just try your local boat canvas chaps. Hope this helps.

    • Thanks Richard getting quotes from 2k to 2.5k here