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Mark Hendrickson


Hi Bill

I posted a thread here a couple days ago about the demise of the NJRC. It’s under “Clubs and Shows”

I wouldn’t blame the club’s demise on Dave Betts. When I was president, the club had already started to shrink drastically over the last couple years. No one would volunteer for anything and the events dwindled to one or two a year and only a few members attended them. All of the officers tried hard to keep the club vibrant, but with non-responsive membership, it wasn’t going to happen.

Keep in mind, the club was started by 10 guys that were social friends. When I was elected the first term, there were just over 100 dues paying members.

The last year of meetings, 2006, the monthly meeting attendance was pathetic at best. For over 8 years I drove a 125 mile round trip on the second Wednesday of each month, in the NYC commuter traffic, to attend the meetings. I also had to take off the afternoon from work to arrive on-time.

I tried to “save” the club by initiating sound fiscal policies and try to switch to a “cyber-based” club like this forum. The monthly news letter costs more to print and distribute than we collected in dues! I suggested e-mailing the newsletter in PDF format and the whole club bitched. We did it anyway and the treasury grew quickly…enough to pay for website, incorporation, etc.m, but the votes were always don’t spend the money on that stuff.

So, it took 3 years to get a lame website that no one used anyway. If you remember, Mr. Mustang volunteered to build it in 2004 and never did. So a “friend of a friend” was hired. The website sucked and was basically never used. Mr. Mustang, was one of the biggest complainers too! When reminded he volunteered to build the website, he made excuses why he couldn’t do it.

For nearly two years, before I was president, the topic of every meeting was an argument over whether to incorporate or not!

I’ll stop here. If you reply to this, do it on the thread about the NJRC Demise (under Clubs and Shows)

Jane and I will try to attend the “farewell” dinner on 12 April…it’s free, just gas and tolls!

Why are you selling Angelica? is my new e-mail address.