MGTD Kit car suspension

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Mark Hendrickson


Mr. Bill…In all likelihood, because your current beam has has the lower tube cut, your car may not sit right. Plus the suspension has been incorrectly loaded.

It is the center set screws alignment to each other that determines how much load is on each beams leaves. VW designed these parallet for a reason. Cutting one beam was a dangerous “quick-fix” done by the kit manufacturers to set the ride height and sell kits.

You can buy a new “bare” beam with the ride height adjusters built in. Just swap in all of your exisiting components. Then let the car down and set the ride height trying to keep both adjusters parallel. When these are not parallel, it is loading one set of leaves more than the other, the same as just one tube being cut and rewelded.

It’s a shame that when these companies built these TD kits, they were only interested in the looks and the quickest way to get the car on the road. Unfortunately, this sacrificed handling, ride and safety. I think they thought it would turn-off prospective buyers that were not really car builders. I have a video from CMC that says you can build one of these cars in a weekend!