Wiring diagram

Home Forums MGTD Kit Cars VW Based Kits Wiring diagram Wiring diagram

Paul Mossberg




I really believe a wiring diagram for any VW based kit will serve you well. And that belief is even stronger within the Migi and Migi II world. It’s hard to imagine there would be ANY differences in wiring a VW based MiGi and a VW based MiGi II.


As noted here, VW kit wiring diagrams are available over in our Download Manuals section.


You’re only wiring a few circuits: engine/starter, front lights, rear lights, and dash. A VW harness will actually have more than you need. Even a dune buggy harness set will work for us.

PMOSSBERG2013-02-27 11:37:19

Paul Mossberg
Former Owner of a 1981 Classic Roadsters Ltd. Duchess (VW)
2005 Intermeccanica Roadster

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