Defroster Duct Dash Rubber

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    George Wood


    I’m in need of a new defroster rubber (covers the defroster exit in the dash by windshield) for a CMC basedĀ mgtd replica.

    Does anyone know of any sites that sell aftermarket parts such as these?


    Mark Hendrickson


    There is a place in Ft. Lauderdale, FL called MG Magic. They are reached by phone. They have tons of parts from CMC kits. Another source may be York Sports Cars in Ashland, VA. They have a website. They are kit car assemblers and used to be a good source for many MG kit parts.

    I’m headed to the Import-Kit/Replicar Nationals in Carlisle, PA this weekend…I’ll keep an eye out for you.

    You may want to check a good Marine supply house (West Marine, Boaters World, etc.) too. You’d be surprised of all the “kit car” stuff available at Marine sources.

    George Wood


    Thanks Pink MG– I’ve dealt with MG Magic before. I think the owners name is Brad Anderson. He’s bailed me out on parts the CMC never sent.

    Thanks again,




    Pink MG- Just a followup- Brad Anderson called me from MG Magic (same guy that got me much needed parts in ’96), and he had the defroster rubbers (cheap @ 6.95) and is sending them out tomorrow.

    His # if you don’t have it is:

    MG Magic — 1-305-625-9700

    Thanks again,


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