FiberFab Headlight Bucket Install

Home Forums MGTD Kit Cars FiberFab Headlight Bucket Install

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  • #304948


    For those members who are assembling/(still assembling) their FiberFab MGTDs I have a helpful tip. The assembly manual says to measure down 1-1/8 inch from the top of the headlight bucket mounting bolt threads and cut it there. I suggest you skip this step and use my procedure as follows. It’ll save you from having to order another headlight bucket from MG Magic.

    Install the headlight bucket assembly into the bracket. While holding the bucket assembly in position, install the lock washer and nut onto the bucket mounting stud hand tight. THEN measure approximately 1/2 inch below the nut and mark the stud. Remove the assembly and cut the mounting bolt where marked. Then complete the installation. This way you will have the headlight assembly mounted and if you have the optional spiral tubing the wires slide through you’ll still have enough stud to mount the spiral tubing.

    I didn’t do that and followed the assembly manual instructions. The results…I didn’t have any threads protruding out the bottom of the mounting bracket to secure the headlight assembly. My new headlight assembly arrives tomorrow.

    Oh well…Learning all the time!

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by newkitman.

    Allen Caron
    VW based 53MGTD - "MoneyPenny"
    "If one thing matters, everything matters" - from the book The Shack

    Paul Mossberg


    Good tip!

    Paul Mossberg
    Former Owner of a 1981 Classic Roadsters Ltd. Duchess (VW)
    2005 Intermeccanica Roadster

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