London Roadster top

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  • #232259


    Hello, fellow members:  I recently acquired a London Roadster.  The convertible top is in pretty good condition, however, any speed over 3 m.p.h causes it flop and stain against the wind.  I’m afraid it’s going to tear.  Am I missing a part?  Does anyone have any ideas had to correct this problem.

    Thank you,

    Theresa (mzmattie)

    Keith True


    Do you have both of the top bows in place?The front one adjusts up and down on the rear one on a slide.The roof has to have pressure on it to hold it taut.Does it have all its snaps,and is the front held in securely?I have a couple of these on the road,and my tops just shake and billow just like any other convertible,but no more so.Could you get some pics to see just what design you have,with pics of the bows and the way it is held on to the windshield? It also just could have been poorly installed in the beginning.



    Thank you, Keitholdcar.  The cover does have 2 canvas extensions that wrap around and snap on the sides of the windshield.  The metal bar (covered by canvas) extends about an inch over the top of the windshield.   I’ll try adjusting the bows to get it as taut as possible.  I was just surprised at the amount of billowing.  I’ll let you know if the adjustment helps.


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