Making Small Steps

Home Forums MGTD Kit Cars VW Based Kits Making Small Steps

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    Wow, it’s been a while since i was active on this forum.  Yes, I still have two kit cars, both MF TDr and finally taking some small steps forward from where I left off.

    The Kadrons that would not fit in the back of my London Roadster were finally sold/traded for a 40mm Dellorto double barrel carburetor and we should be making progress on buttoning her up.
    I’m getting excited just thinking about her running again.
    edward ericson


    HAR! “MF TDr”

    Lord, I know just what you’re talking about!
    Welcome back, man. Keep us updated.


    Lordy, lordy.  What I type when I’m tired still baffles me.  It should have been FF for Fiberfab, red Mr August of a recent past calendar page.

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