MG TD replica?

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  • #235459
    Melvin Collins


    Maybe some have seen this.

    edward ericson


    Never seen and am stunned. I’ve never seen all the TD wood established in one sitting before. Phenomenal video. Thanks for posting.



    New to me also. For almost 20 years, Orkin used to treat my MGTF-1500. Great video, thanks.

    edward ericson


    Roy, did you really tent your car?



    ??? Tent my car?

    Heck no, you must be thinking of Happy Jack. He currently has two car tents and will likely buy another next week. I him that he could open an old fashioned sideshow, with his Bug-Eyed Sprite, and Emma, his monsterous 2332cc BCW TDr not to leave out his just plain beautiful Fiberfab, Abby.

    My TDr and my dog Grover both live and sleep in heated and air conditioned spaces, more luxurious than Julie and I inhabit.

    In my next life, I’m coming back as my dog (or maybe my TDr).

    (Ed, no, I didn’t really “tent” my TF.)Royal2014-11-01 16:23:27

    Peter C. King


    TDr’s have more in common with the originals than you would think. If you squinted your eyes you could almost see someone assembling a TDr in his/her garage.


    I suspect that some of those guys worked on Mosquito bombers during WWII.  
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