Pumpkin Run w/ Speedsters

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  • #233165
    edward ericson


    Some of you who belong to the Speedster group know they just had an East Coast rally in the hills of western [correction: South Central] PA. Karen and I–plus Dale Schumacher–represented the Opposition Forces. Added a touch of class to the show, we think.

    Anyway, we brought a video camera and Karen pointed it out the windshield pretty well. Whenever I took it we ended up with closeups of my crotch or sideways shots of beer bottles. Edited 45 minutes down to 6 or 7. If anyone is interested.



    Larry Murphy


     Hi Ed, Thanks for the video. Speedsters are neat but those TDs really did add class to the run. Glad you worked on your brakes before you went down that hill.

    edward ericson


    Amen to that, Larry.

    Will Burge


    Cool video thanks for sharing looked like a fun run





     Loved the video and the idea of such a run. Wouldn’t it be cool if they had a cruise with TDs before the Carlisle show!?

    Allen Caron
    VW based 53MGTD - "MoneyPenny"
    "If one thing matters, everything matters" - from the book The Shack

    Dale Schumacher



    I tried to get that set up last year if you look back at my post on Carlisle, but it did not work out – not enough time or everyone got there to late or something. Anyway – if more of you guys come I don’t see why it can’t be done.

    Good video Ed – fun day for all – Glad Karen enjoyed it and told my wife she missed a good time – hopefully she will come next year and I can drive up w/ Greg driving his ride after 20 years in the shop.

    edward ericson


    Amen to that too, Dale.

    I am pondering the logistics of a time-speed-distance rally in/around western MD. Maybe open to Speedsters & TDs, or maybe “run what ya brung.”

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