steering column

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    I have a Chevette donor but no steering column. Can someone tell me the length of the steering column?


    I have a Chevette donor but need to know the steering column length. Is the 16″ shorty the one to use?

    Thank you,


    edward ericson


    That is a truly good question. Wish I knew the answer. No one has yet uploaded an assembly manual for a Chevette-based kit. I doubt anyone here ever knew Chevettes came with more than one length of steering column…

    Speaking on general principle I’d get the “standard” length or the longest available, since it’s easier to cut one down if necessary than make one longer.



    The manual that exists here for the Pinto assembly might offer a point of reference you could use for determining the length you need as both are front engine.

    Bill Ascheman
    Fiberfab Ford
    Modified 5.0, 5sp., 4:11
    Autocross & Hillclimb
    "Drive Happy"

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