Weird chopped MG Kit

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    Look at this strange HotRod version of a TD. I stumbled upon it on yahoo image search. Not sure I like it, but it sure is unique. It’s hard to imagine such a drastic body modification, I know I don’t have the heart to do it! Looks like the guy did a really good job though.

    I’m sorry about the super long URL, but the only way I know how to share a page is to copy and paste. eplica%26fr%3Dfptb-%26toggle%3D1%26cop%3Dmss%26ei%3DUTF-8&w= 535&h=324& 3.jpg& adsters%2FView_Ride.php%3Fid%3D613&size=34.6kB&name=613.jpg& p=mg+td+replica&oid=c71824103af5001e&no=12&tt=88&sigr=123aeh gcb&sigi=11avhba2h&sigb=12vsbn0gf




        Sorry, I just realized that long link doesn’t even work. Here is a pic of the TD and the write up that went with it.

    Rob White’s 52 MG TD Replica




    Our rod started out as a MGTD replica from Fiberfab. When I found it it had been wrecked poorly repaired and even poorly repainted. Being outside most of it’s 10 plus years the interior, carpets and top were rotten and or faded.

    I built the “trunk” and added teardrop tail lights with blue dots. I also made the smooth hoodsides and did the bodywork, shaving the door handles, curtain snaps, and bolt holes for the fenders. The car was painted Ford Ranger performance red with basecoat/clearcoat paints from Sherwin Williams.

    The interior is now grey tweed with grey carpet.

    After an 8 month rebuild, the car was in it’s first show last month and brought home a 2nd place trophy.

    Not bad for a car with around $4,000.00 invested.

    James Cochran


    Interesting and creative, but I like ours much better.


    Rich Bellefeuille



    Kinda reminds me of the old 32 Ford “High-Boy” hod rods from the 40’s and 50’s, except for the “trunk” area. I feel the same way about this that I did about the old Fords. You take away the Fenders and the Running Boards and you take away most of the attractive “lines” that gave it eye appeal to begin with.

    But, it is different.




    James, Rich,

       I too like ours better, an Rich I totally agree with you. It looks just like a 32 high boy. The MG TD is defined by it’s flowing lines and typical 50’s contours. I do appreciate the innovation the guy has shown in his interpretation, but as a TD fan I still like our more traditional examples that we possess. I am still a big fan of hot-rods, and I think his is pretty neat, but I couldn’t imagine “Ruining” a TD like that.

       Either way, this is a TD site and I had to share this unique creation with you guys.

        Still Planning on shipping my TD to Arizona this week!!! Can’t wait!!


    Mel Zeiger


    Intersting but I agree our looks better, this one looks like the actress who had too much botox and plastic surgery

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