The Last Open Road

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    edward ericson


    My sister & her new beau got me Burt “BS” Levy’s “Buddy Palumbo” books. I ran through “The Last Open Road” on Sunday and Monday & was hooked. Man can write a sentence, & he’s funny. The books follow this 19-year-old NJ gas station mechanic in 1952 as he discovers the world of sports car racing. Lots of excellent period detail on Elkhart Lake, Watkins Glen, etc., great descriptions of the cars too–XK 120s, TDs, OSCAs. And he’s funny.

    But he really shines with his characters. Anyone who’s worked in a gas station–or bought gas in one–will recognize these folks. His bigwig racers are well-drawn too.

    Anyway. I went right to the second book, Montezuma’s Ferrari, and it’s bearing up well. And get this: Levy broke into publishing the hard way, doing all his own marketing & publishing basically hisself. The middle of the second book has a sizable ad supplement Levy sold in order to make the thing pay. Quite a hoot.

    Great books to get if you’ve not already read them.


    Paul Mossberg


    Thanks Ed.

    While on the subject of books, all of you should read “Red Car” by Don Stanford. The story of a young man and his dream of owning an MG TC

    The book is out of print but you can find paperbacks and hardcovers on Amazon

    Paul Mossberg
    Former Owner of a 1981 Classic Roadsters Ltd. Duchess (VW)
    2005 Intermeccanica Roadster

    If you own a TDr and are not in the Registry, please go to and register (you need to copy and paste the link)

    edward ericson


    Thanks, Paul. I’ll look that one up.

    Here’s the other one I’m thinking of grabbing. Well-reviewed.

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