Rene Toussaint started the topic Help me decide in the forum General Discussion 8 months, 2 weeks ago
I’ve got to buy 4 new tires for my 1981 replica of a 1952 MGTD. I’m undecided whether I should get all black wall tires or whitewall with the wide whitewall. What was the most popular sidewall back in 1952.
the tires are 165/80 R 15
Rene Toussaint replied to the topic Reverse light switch in the forum General Discussion 8 months, 2 weeks ago
what do you mean Ed? Tha rear of the car is on ramps right now so the oil is flowing towards the front of the transmission.
Rene Toussaint replied to the topic Reverse light switch in the forum General Discussion 8 months, 2 weeks ago
Anyone know what I should be using for manual transmission oil? Is it just 90 weight gear oil. I may just drain it, clean the magnet on the drain plug then fill it up with good new oil.
edward ericson replied to the topic Reverse light switch in the forum General Discussion 8 months, 2 weeks ago
If you tilt the car back a little you should be OK.
Rene Toussaint replied to the topic Reverse light switch in the forum General Discussion 8 months, 2 weeks ago
I found a 22 MM wrench and loosened the switch. I removed it just far enough to find that gear oil will run out. Not sure if I can make the swap without making a mess. Now I need to find the fill plug.
Rene Toussaint started the topic Jacking point in the forum General Discussion 8 months, 2 weeks ago
My replica is on a VW pan has a “Y” frame around the Fwd end of the transmission and then down to one frame. Like dual exhaust going down to single exhaust.
Is it OK to put a piece of 4 X 4, 16” long across that “Y” right at the end of the transmission and place the floor jack under that to jack up the entire back end of the car -
Rene Toussaint replied to the topic Reverse light switch in the forum General Discussion 8 months, 2 weeks ago
Oh I did find my problem. One of the electrical contacts on the switch was broken off.
Rene Toussaint replied to the topic Reverse light switch in the forum General Discussion 8 months, 2 weeks ago
It was easy to find not fun getting it out. I thought I had all the tools I would need. Wrong. Got to go th Harbor Freight and get what I need.
Paul, do you or anyone else know that when I remove this switch, will I get a mouth full of gear oil? It a very hard place to get to and I don’t think I could put it back in fast enough to stop the o…[Read more] -
Rene Toussaint replied to the topic Reverse light switch in the forum General Discussion 8 months, 2 weeks ago
Thanks Paul. That should be easy to find once I get it up in the air a little
Paul Mossberg replied to the topic Help with radio replacement in the forum VW Based Kits 8 months, 2 weeks ago
Is your new radio a DIN mount unit?
You need a universal mounting bracket like the one below, and will probably have to fabricate a simple bracket to support the rear, which you can tie into the firewall.…[Read more]
Paul Mossberg replied to the topic Reverse light switch in the forum General Discussion 8 months, 2 weeks ago
The VW Reverse Light Switch installs into the nose cone of the transmission at the up right hand side.
If you need a replacement: https://www.jbugs.com/product/211941521.html
Rene Toussaint replied to the topic TD Replica spotted in Texas in the forum General Discussion 8 months, 2 weeks ago
WOW! $15,000 for that car. Seems like a lot off money because it needs a lot of body work and entire paint. I just bought one a week ago for $6,500 and mine looks so much better than that one
Rene Toussaint replied to the topic Low beam headlight does not work. in the forum General Discussion 8 months, 2 weeks ago
thanks Chris. I did check them and they looked good. I going to have to trace the wires all the way back to the floor dinner switch and then to the dash switch. That’s where I think I’m going to have a issue. Tracing the wires is going to be difficult because they are all hidden behind panels. I’m going to try and get the car way off the floor…[Read more]
Chris Deruyte posted an update 8 months, 2 weeks ago
Serial number question:
My FiberFab MGTD has a serial number on the firewall of 801253-4.
What sort of information can this tell me about the car?
Many thanks. -
Chris Deruyte replied to the topic Low beam headlight does not work. in the forum General Discussion 8 months, 2 weeks ago
Check the socket. Sometimes they will melt or loosen where it attaches to the bulb. I had this happen on a Honda Civic and a new socket with pigtail fixed the problem in a jiffy. I hope this helps!
Rene Toussaint started the topic Low beam headlight does not work. in the forum General Discussion 8 months, 2 weeks ago
I need to figure out why either side low beam lights do not work. I’ve checked the bulbs on a battery and they are good.
I need to get to the backside of the foot dimmer switch. Anyone know how to get access to it?
Rene Toussaint started the topic Reverse light switch in the forum General Discussion 8 months, 2 weeks ago
Hi everyone. I just purchased a MGTD kit car. The near I can make out is that the VW pan and engine is either a 1969 or 1970. The replica was made in 1981.
My backup light does not work. The bulb is good. Can someone tell me where the switch is and how do I get to it?
DALE started the topic Pictures in the forum MGTD Kit Cars 8 months, 2 weeks ago
Please let me know if this opens up to the pictures of our car from the auction site. If it does ope to 60 pictures maybe you will see other things I need to address.
DALE started the topic Gas tank leak in the forum MGTD Kit Cars 8 months, 2 weeks ago
New to the Site…Hello my name is Dale and yesterday we bought a 1952 replica MGTD and I’ll have lots of questions over the next few months/year because I know nothing about these cars.
I posted a picture and in the far side of the gas tank is an area that someone tried to plug the tank with some kind of (not sure) paper product. I removed the…[Read more]
Mike Stucky started the topic Help with radio replacement in the forum VW Based Kits 8 months, 2 weeks ago
Hello everyone,
Looking for some help in switching out my old 80’s tape deck to something newer. I know I am going to need to make the hole in the dash a bit bigger, but I am looking for some insight on how to install a bracket in the dash. The old radio is directly attached to the dash, but these new radios require a bracket of some sort. Ju…[Read more]
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