
  • John Richardson posted an update 8 years, 5 months ago

    Sow’s Ear continued: (fat fingered off the post). Anyway the eBay winning Best Offer wanted to back out when I told him (keep your big mouth shut) it would need a minor weld for the transmission mount nose bracket to the torsion tube, so I just said “Whats your best offer” so I took a $651.00 loss. She’s gone and I’m happy, hope he and his son’s have a good time getting her running. trying to do this from an apartment was too much. I didn’t realize my limitations until way too late. So that’s life, don’t look back, it’ll only hurt more. Now, it’s escaping the “People’s Republic of California” and going to live in Florida and “NO MORE WABBITS”! Thanx, Prisoner #6