B-17 in Baltimore

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    edward ericson


    FYI: “Memphis Belle” is in Baltimore this weekend. It’s the replica of the original Memphis Belle that portrayed her in the movie. I got a ride in her today as a publicity move. They charge $450 a run, but you can walk up and crawl around inside her for nothing on Sat and Sun afternoons.

    The plane is being barnstormed to raise funds to rebuild another B-17 that burned up last year.

    And to promote veteran awareness in general.

    Cool as hell plane. All the gear is in ‘er.

    I took Bridget to the airport (Martin Airport in Middle River) but was not able to drive her up on the runway for an under belly shot. Maybe next time.

    Let me know if you’re coming.

    Paul Mossberg


    Dude! You got a ride? That is so cool!
    Where’s the video?

    Paul Mossberg
    Former Owner of a 1981 Classic Roadsters Ltd. Duchess (VW)
    2005 Intermeccanica Roadster

    If you own a TDr and are not in the Registry, please go to https://tdreplica.com/forums/topic/mg-td-replica-registry/ and register (you need to copy and paste the link)



    That is way cool dude! I know you got a few more pics if not a video. Can’t wait to see them.

    Allen Caron
    VW based 53MGTD - "MoneyPenny"
    "If one thing matters, everything matters" - from the book The Shack



    You are one lucky SOB.
    They give rides in the B17 and others at the WWII weekend in Reading, but the charge is
    way beyond my means.
    I am military green with envy.

    Bill Ascheman
    Fiberfab Ford
    Modified 5.0, 5sp., 4:11
    Autocross & Hillclimb
    "Drive Happy"

    edward ericson


    Working on vid now.

    And yeah, $450 for a 20-minute flight is something I would probably not have done. Having done it though, I think it might just be worth it for a once-in-a-lifetime ride. Something like $1150 for the P-40 (when it’s flying) seems like too much now that I’ve been in the bomber, where you can climb around and play with the guns and look through the bomb sight and stick your head up through the sun roof. Anywhere is fair game except the pilots’ chairs, the ball turret and the tail gunner’s station.

    Anyone’s interested c’mon down. Here’s a blog post I did with the info on the where and how. Supposedly there’s a vid going up linked to that soon, but not just yet.

    edsnova2012-08-15 08:17:02

    edward ericson


    Here’s a link to the CP piece I did, with two short clips from our photographer, Sam Holden.

    And here’s my little cell phone movie. 

    edsnova2012-08-15 10:17:27

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