Well I found a local rebuilder in Layton, NJ named Hullco, but it took almost six months to completely rebuild by engine. Removing the fuel pump and drive shaft from the opening to the distributor, when I changed to an electric fuel pump did ruin by main bearings as I was warned in an earlier forum topic.
I picked up the engine in early November last year and have reinstalled it this Winter. What an adventure this was. The repairs include a reground crankshaft, bearings, reground cylinder walls, new pistons, valve guides, reground valves and seats, ad infa-nausium (sic). By the way the engine has regained its oil pressure.
FYI, Please! Nobody ever do what I did when I removed and capped off the mechanical fuel pump.
P.S. I reinstalled a new drive shaft and mechanical fuel pump, out of superstition. No I’m still using the electric fuel pump,