Error Message When I Post

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    Paul or Pink MG.

    Not sure if its a Forum problem or just me or my computer. But when I post a new topic or reply I get this error message. I’m no computer guru like you guys and don’t really know what it means. Here’s the error message I get and if it’s me or my setup hopefully you can help me fix it.


    Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error ‘80040e2f’

    Cannot insert the value NULL into column
    ‘Forum_ID’, table ‘devinew_forum.dbo.tblEmailNotify’; column does not
    allow nulls. INSERT fails.

    /forum/post_message.asp, line 1061

    Allen Caron
    VW based 53MGTD - "MoneyPenny"
    "If one thing matters, everything matters" - from the book The Shack

    edward ericson


    I get the same thing. The message posts tho, every time. 

    Paul Mossberg


    Just for what it’s worth…

    I see no error message when I post

    Paul Mossberg
    Former Owner of a 1981 Classic Roadsters Ltd. Duchess (VW)
    2005 Intermeccanica Roadster

    If you own a TDr and are not in the Registry, please go to and register (you need to copy and paste the link)

    James Cochran


    I get the same message, but everything posts ok. The message shows up no matter what browser or operating system I use. This computer is running Linux and I will get the message as soon as I post this. My computer whiz son says it comes from the type of hosting something or other blah blah blah, I start losing attention span when he talks computer language. No worries tho, it’s has something to do with blah blah blah.



    Yeah all my messages post as well. Just don’t understand the error message thing. But if it’s nothing to do with the forum then no worry. Thanks for the compewter ejukation. 

    Allen Caron
    VW based 53MGTD - "MoneyPenny"
    "If one thing matters, everything matters" - from the book The Shack

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