Bruce, sounds like a pretty gnarly project. I very much hope it finds the right kind of psycho to complete it.
I am not that psycho. But in the interest of furthering your agenda, can we get a more detailed description of the car’s present state? Like, the engine is in? The trans is in? Or not?
Have you fit the cowl and hood (bonnet?) over that 5.0? Got a radiator that works, even theoretically?
Clutch pedals & linkage installed? Or at least present & accounted for?
And what is needed to get the rear end to fit?
You can post photos here too: click the button with the tree and up arrow, at the far right, top row of cryptic little buttons above the “Post Reply” window. Another box will pop up, letting you navigate around your computer to find the photo to post to the site. It’s got to be smaller than 500 mb, so resize them first if you took them with anything more resolute than a cell phone.
Eager to see what you got there. And good luck. Wish I had the space, money, gumption and skill to tackle it.