Fiberfab ID Numbers

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    H. Neil Reichard


    FIs there any rhyme or reason for the numbers on a Fiberfab ID plate?

    Mine shows # as FM2508 Hodel JH
    John Simion


    You mean there’s supposed to be a FiberFab ID plate . . . ?  No matter what it means, you’re one step ahead of me.



    My early FiberFab doesn’t have an ID plate either. It does have either a serial number or a part number on the firewall under the hood, below the left (driver’s) windshield wiper, or thereabouts. I could make no sense of it either…

    Early FF TDr on 69 VW pan
    Slowly coming back from the ashes...



    Mine wasn’t mounted anywhere, the PO/builder had put it into a notebook of pictures and paperwork about the car.

    Here’s the picture of it I posted elsewhere a while ago, and as you can see the model was left blank. I’ve yet to see, or rather look for, something on any part of the car.
    I only know the metal plate matches what’s on the paper title.
    Al Greig


    Mine also came that way.

    It states No. FM 1078 but also MG-TD.
    After the car was completed it was required to be inspected by the Sectary of State.  Once it passed inspection, a SOS number was issued.  Both are shown on the title.  I mounted both to front of firewall.
    T. J. Marrone


    This is the tag that came with my recently acquired unused kit, as well as original receipt from 1986

    T. J. Marrone


    Sorry, upside down, Number FM2452, no model #

    T. J. Marrone


    Maybe the type of kit would be useful information, mine is a ford kit with frame.



    I remember having one of those. I wonder where it got to?

    Bill Ascheman
    Fiberfab Ford
    Modified 5.0, 5sp., 4:11
    Autocross & Hillclimb
    "Drive Happy"



    tjmarrone wrote:
    mine is a ford kit
    I didn’t notice where I was posting before, Chevy/Ford, mine being VW.
    Maybe the builder was meant to finalize the plate with whatever “model” it was to be.
    Can see that Al’s red car has the model portion imprinted differently from ID, or appears to be different to me.

    LRH2015-12-25 22:51:15

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