Master Brake Cylinder London Roadster

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    I’m trying to see if I could get an adapter for the master brake cylinder in a London Roadster for a Speedi-Bleed kit.  Yet it has been years since I’ve driven it and it’s going to need a lot of attention when I get some time in the fall or a few cool hours in the early morning this time of year.  Where can I find the master brake cylinder in the LR, please?



    No one?

    edward ericson


    The sure way to find it is to start at the driver’s side from wheel and trace the brake line until you get to the thing with all the other brake lines coming out of it. There will be two bolts fastening it to a bulkhead. In a VW pan that would be the “Napolean’s Hat” cross member just behind the front wheels. I think your chassis is custom but the location—whether hat shaped or not—should be right about there. It’s not so easy to get to.

    Good luck.




    mglondonroadste. If your brake master IS mounted to the VW frame head (Napolean’s Hat) you need to disconnect the MC bolts from the inside but DO NOT pull them out all the way. The frame head piece is double-walled with a spacer sleeve over the bolts between the walls (to prevent buckling should the bolts be over torqued.) If you pull the MC mounting bolts completely out those spacer sleeves won’t come with the bolts and will drop to the bottom of the pan. And getting them back up into position will be nearly impossible and you may end up with an annoying rattle up front. Best to disconnect the brake lines from the MC, (don’t forget the brake light wires), then thread the bolts out until the MC just comes loose and leave the bolts in the frame head. This is also a good time to check the hose(s) from the MC to the brake reservoir and change them if needed.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by newkitman.

    Allen Caron
    VW based 53MGTD - "MoneyPenny"
    "If one thing matters, everything matters" - from the book The Shack



    Thank you both very much.  I started a new job in March and it is construction hours, 10 hours a day, 50 hour weeks with 2 out of 3 weeks someone having to work the 10-hour Saturday for a 60-hour week.  Getting up at 4:00 a.m. does not leave much time in the evening for tinkering.

    Keeping the yards in shape and other household chores, packed in with a busy schedule, makes me want to slow down a bit and play with my cars.  The nice, breathable car cover I had for it finally tore open and now we have a plastic tarp over it, which can not be good for the car.

    We’re getting a quote next week for a carport of sorts, so we can have some covered parking and work areas.  The garage is filled with the Honda S2000, storage and laundry facilities.  I’m also considering making a concrete pad out back and putting up some lockable carports.  I’d want lighting and power outlets back there, so some trenching and wiring would need to be planned out.



    Why does it seem there is never enough room or time?

    Good Luck.

    Bill Ascheman
    Fiberfab Ford
    Modified 5.0, 5sp., 4:11
    Autocross & Hillclimb
    "Drive Happy"

    Rich Kallenberger


    Alert  😳  Take a close look at that plastic tarp!  My car was heavily scratched by a used blue tarp which the well-intentioned delivery driver used to cover the car in transit.  When they get old, plastic tarps turn into sandpaper.  A car just sitting there with wind movement could result in scratches on all of the points of contact.

    Just sayin.

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