My MGTDr origin

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  • #307466
    Danilo Fernandes


    Hi from Portugal. My parents bought a VW MGTD replica in 2008. I would like to know more about its origin.

    I belive this car was made between 1975-1980 in USA / UK. I know that a guy took this car from UK to South Africa in 1981/1982. After that a Portuguese guy bought the car in South Africa in 1998  and brought it to Portugal. Then in 2008 my parants bought the car.

    I think its a fiberfab replica but I would like to know your expert opinion. Do you think some guy made this car at home in UK and imported the car parts from USA? Or do you think this car is imported from USA? Remember the righ handle.

    About the engine I know its a 1973y, although I can’t find the VIN number between the seats to know the chassi origin. Is there another location? The wheels have 5 holes, so an older chassi.

    Finally in the front body fiber part I can see a number ‘TPC 189″. Can I know the year of production of this parts with this number? And how?

    Here you have a link to see a car picture.

    Many thanks!

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