I have a pair of almost new (maybe they are new) Treuhaft 1.25:1 ratio roller rockers and shafts that are just sitting on a shelf. Should I put them on or would that just be a waste of time? Why? (I don’t know of anything wrong wiht my stock rockers.) Thanks.
Might give you a little more grunt. Might save you a wavy washer failure. And might (probably won’t, but might) bind up your valve springs or otherwise muck up you valve train geometry. No way to know without trying them.
Me? I’d save ’em for a careful build, or sell ’em to someone doing same. But then again, I’m lazy.
Ed, I have spent a few hours trying to find (on the Samba) some advice on this matter with no success. I would really like to know how you found it so quickly. Some advice please?? I obviously do not know how to search Samba.