New Member… in North Carolina

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  • #233522
    Pat J


    Hello to everyone. I found this site a few weeks ago. Lots of great information on this web site.

    It has been awhile since I have had the pleasure of driving a mgtd replica. I am currently in the market for a non-VW powered mgtd replica. My last mgtd replica was VW based and a blast to drive. This time around I would like to try the non-VW version.




    edward ericson


    Welcome to the forum, Pat. We’ll keep an eye out & so should you. I found mine on Craigslist.

    Larry Murphy


     Hi Pat, Welcome to the forum!

    There is a Ford based Classic Motor Carriages replica for sale in Reidsville NC.The engine has been recently rebuilt by a local mechanic and has some performance modifications. It’s red with a white top and tan interior and auto trans. The car is very low mileage and looks good. It’s at Randy Keaton Auto Sales in down town Reidsville. He got it from a friend who is the son of the builder. The price is just under $10,000 which seem high to me but then I would have to be desparate to let my BCW which is Chevette based go for that.

     I have no connection to the seller,just trying to help you find a car.

    Paul Mossberg


    Welcome aboard Pat!

    Paul Mossberg
    Former Owner of a 1981 Classic Roadsters Ltd. Duchess (VW)
    2005 Intermeccanica Roadster

    If you own a TDr and are not in the Registry, please go to and register (you need to copy and paste the link)

    Pat J


    Thank you to all of you for the warm welcome. I have been watching craigslist and ebay for several months looking to purchase a TD replica. It will be the second one that I have owned.  Prior to finding this web site I have looked at a number of  TD replicas. I walked away from all of them for various reasons.

    Larry,  thanks for the tip on the TD that is in Reidsville. However, his asking price of $10,500 (yes he went up from somewhere under $10,000) was just too steep.  While the car made a great first impression, I found it extremely difficult to justify  his price (or anywhere near his price) versus the condition of the car. There didn?t appear to be any major issues with the car. But it does have a number of things that need attention, mainly due to being a low mileage car. As we all know, things can and will go wrong as a car sits for extended periods of time. With only 2700 miles since built (1992),  it has done a lot of sitting.  In the past I have owned several kit cars. I have seen things happen first-hand to cars when they spend more time in the garage and not on the road.

    Knowing the issues of the car in Reidsville were minor I continued to think about the car. Fortunately, I called back and began ?days? of negotiating. I was finally able to drive the car home and call it mine.  OOPS, should I have said that first and not save that info for the end of my post? (…smile…)

    An interesting side note about the car. The car is titled in North Carolina as a 1992 MG. The car is only seeing limited usage (around the neighborhood) until I get new tires put on.  The DOT date code indicates the tires were manufactured in 1992. Yes, the same year it first hit the road. The tread looks new and there is absolutely NO cracking of the sidewalls. But my knowledge and experience with aged tires tells me to replace them ASAP.

    Again, thanks for the warm welcome.

    And Larry, thanks for the tip.


    edward ericson


    Congrats, Pat!

    And right on the tires. Had the same deal with mine but I drove it for a year first. Very lucky to have got away with that. The car drives a lot nicer with new rubber.

    Have fun.

    Larry Murphy


     Pat, That is great news!!!Glad you were able to reach an agreeable figure on a really neat car.

     I’m still riding on my ”new” 2004 tires but then I’m not exactly going fast or far ,just put putting along so to speak.

    Dan Rosa


     GOOD DEAL ,,Pat   enjoy all the time you will have driving her and enjoy the repairs as I do a labor of joy with each turn of the wrench    Dan R

    Montie Henderson


    Congrats Pat,  Glad you got the deal to work.   I bought mine a couple years ago, about the same mileage but mine was built in ’86 and in storage most of her life.   I replaced alot on her the first year buy loved every turn of the wrench.   Montie   



    Welcome and congratulations, Pat.  What type of engine did you end up with?

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