Pow Bang Pop….

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    Hi All – Happy Thanksgiving….I just put one of these on my H5 1500 VW type 1 motor.


    It is a 30Pict 1 carb that should wotk on my H5, I was hoping it would cure my old 30Pict 2 ills. It went on there fine but I get a lot of backfiring until it the motor warms up. At idle it runs great but under load I still get some sporadic backfiring. I checked the timing and I just adjusted the valve lash because I thought that might be the issue. The Choke needed some adjustment and I did that as well. I am wondering if my intake manifold might be causing a vacuum leak. It still has the original (?) intake manifold. I have scowered the internet and read most of the basic blogs on VW backfire and they all say the same thing. (Valves, timing, throttle body leak at the butterfly). Any thoughts? – Thanks!  Dean

    PMOSSBERG2015-11-26 00:38:13

    In wine there is truth, in water health.



    A huge Thanks to Royal for spending some quality time on the phone with me going over this issue. I have a few things to check. I will post when I find the solution.

    In wine there is truth, in water health.



    I just adjusted the Volume screw on the carb and now it doesn’t seem to backfire in the garage. I could make it backfire by quickly open the throttle (full throttle). I have only the one adjustment screw (Volume) on my 30 PICT 1 carb. Tomorrow I will check the timing again. According to Rob and Dave – I should set the idle timing at 7.5 degrees (1300/1500/1600cc
    with single vacuum distributor – 7.5BTDC. This is set with the
    engine off (static timing).) http://www.vw-resource.com/30PICT2.html – not sure why my font and I don’t see a way to change it back.

    In wine there is truth, in water health.

    edward ericson


    Make sure the preheat manifold is not rotted out. Mine was–and hidden behind one of the air hoses that comes up through the tin on each side of the engine, so I didn’t see it. She’d backfire like crazy on decelleration until we patched it up with tape… 



    Thanks Ed, I will be checking that out.

    In wine there is truth, in water health.

    Dale Schumacher


    Have to look but might have a heat risor in my stuff someplace if you have a hole in yours.
    Let me look – yours for the asking.
    Going driving today?
    Getting ready to go out for a run.
    60 degrees going on 65.



    Thanks Schu. I will happily take your cast offs. 🙂 cant do today. Tomorrow might be doable. Stop by or I can make a trip to your garage.

    In wine there is truth, in water health.



    Update – Seems I had the distributor timing wrong. Schu came over today and, taking Roy’s and Schu advice , I makes a 30 degree mark on my crank pulley. Schu open the throttle to 3500 rpm and I was able to dial in the 30 degree mark. Wow – What a difference. No more Pop, Bang, Pow and the car has power. I am still not sure if I don’t have a very slight intake manifold leak (because I see a little wetness at the tube junctions) but that could be from something else. Anyway times to 30 degrees at 3500 rpm did the trick. Thanks for your help guys!!!  Clap We had to go for a putt afterwards. He we are at Fairview Beach on the Potomac river.

    In wine there is truth, in water health.

    edward ericson


    Great news! And a great day to cruise about. Lookin’ good, gentlemen. 



    Dean, now you may want to re-tweak your carburetor F/A adjustment.

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