Registration & Title

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    I was quite happy when, shortly after purchasing my TD, I went to the DMV and walked out with my registration as a 2 dr 1983 MG, in only about 5 minutes.  Doubly happy when I was told that inspection would not be required. 🙂 But, beware, it was a trick.  😕

    A few months ago, my registration would have been due for renewal.  I had not recieved the form in the mail and called DMV.  They said that I couldn’t get a mail renewal until I had it inspected. So, I discovered that the only inspection requirement that was waived was the emissions.Disapprove  Still needed a safety inspection.  So off I go to get the safety inspection.
    Actual inspection took all of 5 minutes:  lights, horn, tires etc.  After what seemed to be forever, the mechanic came out and told me that he didn’t know what to do since the computer (all NC computers are tied in to some big brother Hal computer at DMV headquarters) would not recognize my car.  It would not allow the mechanic to input the data.  Therefore I could not register it.  😡
    I finally figured it out:  It was registered as a 1983 MG.  There was no such thing as a 2dr 1983 MG.  
    Called DMV, they said that they would send out a “state inspector”.  He came out and I convinced him that my TD really did exist and it was not hazardous to anyone’s health.  He left after telling me that he would “look into it”.  The weeks ticked by.  Called DMV again.  They said that they would send out a “state inspector”.  etc, etc, etc.Wacko  Had to re-register and re-title the vehicle.
    Well, after a few inspections and a the requisite paperwork, I got my registration today:  
    MiGi is now “legal” and registered and titled in NC as a “1952 MG Replica”.  No inspection required. Julie and I are so proud.  😀
    Dan Ogle


    Don’t that just make ya feel good inside

    john barry



    was going t ask  you how  you registered your MG TDr

    I went to the DMV and had the inspector check mine out  with all the  original paper work

    and he asked how I wanted to title it ?

    I said 1951 MG TD

    ..and in a few weeks I got my  titile back with  1951 MG replica   and  tooo I dont have to inspect her  et c

    or  pay  taxes   ..Smile


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