TD is in Hibernation

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    Paul Allain


    This past week I widened the doors of my shed and cleaned it up so I could store the TD for the winter. As soon as I put the TD in the shed and closed the door, it began to snow. By the time the snow ended this morning there was 18″ on the ground. My snowblower has been in the shop for service this past month. If it hadn’t been for a good neighbor who lent me his snowblower I’d still be out there shoveling. Thank God for good neighbors.

    edward ericson


    Jeez. Glad you got power there, Paul. Good timing on the put away. 

    Tom Colello


    One of the few times I’m glad I live in the deep south. Really feel for you guys up north that have to store your vehicles for the winter.

    Bill Gould


    Amen to that, Tom! This past week has been some of the best top-down smiling weather we’ve had in ages, and it looks like plenty more in store. Even so, I keep my Lafer garaged year-round, with no pets or critters allowed as overnight guests.

    1981 Lafer TI
    1600 cc Type 1 engine

    Scott A Chynoweth


    Well we guys up north(those that get snowlike me)Look forward to snow and cold,(at least I do)gives us time to tinker and make changes.

    I have a shipment of parts due its going to be a good winter.

    Dan Rosa


     I just can’t do the snow thingstill good convertible sunshine today and took a ride to get milk and cookies the grand kids are coming over  I know you northern guys got snow my daughter got 8 inches I cut my visit short a day next spring will be better Dan

    Montie Henderson


    There’s still a few good days here in Ohio too.  For me in the winter any sunny dry day is fair game.  Just need a heavier coat.

    Paul Mossberg


    One of my daughter’s band instructors gave me a great idea….a heated motorcycle suit. Gerry rides almost all year. The suit plugs into a 12 volt cigarette lighter socket.

    Paul Mossberg
    Former Owner of a 1981 Classic Roadsters Ltd. Duchess (VW)
    2005 Intermeccanica Roadster

    If you own a TDr and are not in the Registry, please go to and register (you need to copy and paste the link)

    edward ericson


    Yes. They now make “airbag” suits as well–spendy but would totally pay for itself the first time you avoid death or a TBI.

    Bill Gould


    “Spendy” — an odd word that I’ve only recently started to see. I like it. I used to consider this hobby “expensive,” but “spendy” seems much less judgmental.

    1981 Lafer TI
    1600 cc Type 1 engine



    That airbag suit seems to be for motorcyclists thrown off of their bike, when the key attachment is broken or pulled.

    I’m not so sure it would work for a side or frontal impact in one of our fiberglass TDs.

    Tom Colello


    What’s the deal on these heated motorcycle suits? Sounds like a good deal for those frosty South Louisiana mornings. Both of them! LOL

    Just kidding. We get some cold weather down here to. At least for us it’s cold. One of those heated suits would be great as long as it’s not to bulky. TD’s are not known for their over abundance of room in the cockpit.

    Paul Mossberg


    There are lots of options, jackets, pants, both outerwear and liners.Just Google “Motorcyle Heated Clothing”

    I have no personal experience with any of this, but here is one manufacturer…recommended by a motorcycling friend…

    Paul Mossberg
    Former Owner of a 1981 Classic Roadsters Ltd. Duchess (VW)
    2005 Intermeccanica Roadster

    If you own a TDr and are not in the Registry, please go to and register (you need to copy and paste the link)

    Paul Allain


    Ahhh! She’s awake. Good weather this past week has melted most of the snow and the TD has emerged from hibernation to once again ride. More rides tomorrow and next week. She also gets fresh oil and valve adjustment next week. Taking advantage of every good day.

    edward ericson


    Drove Bridget to AutoZone & bought some StaBil fuel stabilizer & poured about 4 oz in the tank, which is full.

    Installed the Gene Berg dipstick temperature sensor too. Don’t like the way the wire is routed, but can’t see another way. Ah well.

    Nice to get out one more time. Work to be done over the winter though, starting with the heat lever, which won’t stay in the open position. That’ll cool yer jets on a brisk autumn day pretty quick, lemme tell ya.

    Bill Gould


    I have the same problem with the heat lever on my Lafer, Ed. And my back is too old and stiff for me to be reaching down there every five or ten minutes to reopen it. When my grandson is with me, I can delegate that duty to him, although he’d rather sit up and look cool for the girls.

    1981 Lafer TI
    1600 cc Type 1 engine



    Can you tighten up the nut on the heat lever stud a tad to make it hold?

    Allen Caron
    VW based 53MGTD - "MoneyPenny"
    "If one thing matters, everything matters" - from the book The Shack

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