Top configuration

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    Ed Summers


    I appreciate everyone listening to a newbie. I am sure my questions are way more basic than you are accustomed to. My question dealds with the top and the zipper windows. I find it virtually impossible to zip in the drivers side window from the inside. It would seem I could if the window started from the front and zipped to the back. Mine is the opposite. How is it supposed to configured?

    Thanks again for all of the help.


    Paul Mossberg


    This might have been answered already. But start the zipper at the back, do the limbo under the curtain to get into your car and finish zipping it up. Classic Roadsters Duchess curtains zip back ot front, then snap to the side of hte windshield frame. they provided a zipper opening in the side of the curtain so you could reach through and attached the front snaps. You could also pay tolls without removing the curtain.

    Paul Mossberg
    Former Owner of a 1981 Classic Roadsters Ltd. Duchess (VW)
    2005 Intermeccanica Roadster

    If you own a TDr and are not in the Registry, please go to and register (you need to copy and paste the link)

    Dennis P


      We are bafffled also, with our side curtains.  Zip and button up passenger, after they get in and then have someone snap the snaps on to the windshield, after the drive gets in.

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