type 2 diabetes think about it

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    Dan Rosa


    I have had type 2 diabetes for 22 years taking my pills and mostly watching my diet, this is a note to any one out there that is in the same situation ,,off the record a doctor ,,not mine told me i was better off taking insulin ! that  long term use of many[ all ] type 2 pills can ,and does aggravate the pancreas in February i was back in the hospital 4th time this year. with total pancreas failure this time pillsUnhappy before any food i eat to digest my food , and now insulin injections ,,a better option would have been insulin . now I have been diagnosed with pancreas cancer. we all know what that means xxxx .   well i told the doctor than i’ll be the first . SO ask your doctor what he or she thinks of long term use of the many pills that are prescribed for type 2 , just a note i was never over weight at 5′ 7″ 160 lbs. now 125 lbs becouse food goes through me with incomplete dijestion a great way to loose weight Confused that is my soap box for the day think on it Sleepy  Dan

    Paul Mossberg


    You are in my prayers Dan!

    My mom and her dad were both diabetic. I get checked regularly!

    Paul Mossberg
    Former Owner of a 1981 Classic Roadsters Ltd. Duchess (VW)
    2005 Intermeccanica Roadster

    If you own a TDr and are not in the Registry, please go to https://tdreplica.com/forums/topic/mg-td-replica-registry/ and register (you need to copy and paste the link)

    edward ericson


    I don’t usual pray, Dan, but in your case, I’m making an exception. Good luck, buddy. 



    The women in my family all have had diabetes. My mom had it and died 9 years ago at the age of 92. She was given insulin (two shots a day) for as long as I can remember. Three years before she died her doctor gave her the option of pills or stay with insulin. She chose to stay with the insulin. I guess she managed to do well with the insulin. Dan you’re in our prayers.

    Allen Caron
    VW based 53MGTD - "MoneyPenny"
    "If one thing matters, everything matters" - from the book The Shack

    Marc Lipsius


    Dan, sorry to hear that, you’re in all of our thoughts with best wishes for the outcome. You’re going to be in for a long haul at therapy, so hang in there. And we’re with you.
    I don’t want you to scare people or blame the oral hypoglycemics for causing pancreatic “failure” or pancreatic cancer. There is absolutely no evidence of this, and in fact a few of those meds have been shown to suppress cancers and potentiate chemotherapy for some tumors. They have been used in millions and millions of people for 50+ years with good results and are well tested for teratogenicity (causing tumors to grow) and there is no evidence they do either of those things. People are switched over to insulin if and when the pills become ineffective as the pancreas poops out over time.
    Keep eating all you can to maintain your weight, there are also pancreatic enzyme pills to aid in the digestion of food. Keep us updated, and drive the TD for some feeling-good times during this process.

    Dennis Brock


    Amen to all.



    My thoughts and prayers are with you Dan. Keep your faith.

    Bill Gould


    You certainly have the right attitude, Dan. Stick with those good thoughts, and remember that you have a lot of people pulling for you here on the forum. God bless. Handshake

    1981 Lafer TI
    1600 cc Type 1 engine

    Larry Murphy


     Dan, Sorry to hear of your medical problems. Just remember ,”it’s not over till it’s over”. Some of us ”healthy” people just may go before you do. The most important thing for all of us is to be ready when our time comes.You are in my prayers .

    john barry


    Dan -My thoughts and prayers go with you !

    peace my friend.

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