uploading pics

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  • #264937
    Stephen Houser


    Ahh, iOS devices. I misunderstood. I’m going on vacation for a bit but will look at it when I return.

    Buxton, Maine
    1982 London Roadster - "Kit Kat"



    This is a test of posting my restored MGTDr, using my iPad. If it does not work, I will wait paitencely for your input Steve. Thanks for your help.

    You have already uploaded a file of the same name. Please select another file, or rename the file and try again.

    This is the message I get when I try to up load a picture, from my IOS iPad.

    Thanks again

    Lakeland, Florida

    Lakeland, Florida, where we drive Topless every day

    Rich Kallenberger


    Uploaded pics from my PC desktop today.  Thanks for the help.

    Stephen Houser


    Interesting, many of the photos in this thread, including my own, have disappeared.

    Buxton, Maine
    1982 London Roadster - "Kit Kat"



    Welcome back from your vacation, I hope all went well. I look forward to your thoughts about posting pictures from my IOS iPad. I keep getting an error message that I have already posted the file picture earlier. Appearentry I need to change the file name from the general photo file, so each picture has its own file name. I do not know how to do that on my iPad.

    Thanks for your help Steve


    Lakeland, Florida, where we drive Topless every day

    Stephen Houser


    Not quite back yet, just in-between no Internet and less Internet 🙂

    Buxton, Maine
    1982 London Roadster - "Kit Kat"

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