vw coil fire

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  • #232883


     I have a problem. At some point I lost fire from the coil. The only time I get spark is when I disconnect the wire for the reverse light from the negative side of the coil when the engine is turning over. I checked with my finger on the coil wire while relocating the wires on the coil. It does feel good but it doesnt make any sense to me why this is happening. Thank you for your help.

    Larry Murphy


     Richard, Is it possible that you have developed a short in the reverse light or it’s wiring? That might explain why you have fire  when it is disconnected. Larry



     I found the problem. A loose nut behind the steering wheel. Actually I had the reverse light wire on the negative side and it belongs on the positive side. Also the points were bad. I also think I killed the electronic ignition.

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