vw transmission shift problem

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  • #232293


    When my Bug(1969) gets warm,it is hard for me to get it into first or second.  I adjusted the clutch cable to 3/4 of an inch.  It feels like it is in first but its in third.

    Keith True


    The plate at the base of the shifter could be out of adjustment.It only takes a tiny bit to be off. Post on the Samba website,there are a lot of very helpful guys there that know these cars inside and out.The old book by John Muir,How to repair your Volkswagen for the compleat idiot is pretty good.The Bently manuel though goes into real detail.They can be found on ebay or Amazon for $10-$75.If you post there you may get 20 replies,describing what to do,but 18 of them will also tell you to buy the books.




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