Steve replied to the topic Tricks to identify a 52 TD replica VW in the forum Car Registry 8 years, 5 months ago
Oh I forgot to add that a photo I took of the steering wheel has an FF in the center of it. So perhaps it is a FiberFab. Ill check the inside cowl too when I check for serial numbers!
cheers! steve
Steve replied to the topic Tricks to identify a 52 TD replica VW in the forum Car Registry 8 years, 5 months ago
Thanks for all the generous input everyone! Really fantastic information, advice, cautions, links and winks.
I understand that a car such as this is a big hobby – a labor of love I think. I could use a hobby, and I don’t want a motorcycle. I have not run the car. It was under a tarp. Mostly it looks clean, floor boards seem good – solid. Motor…[Read more]
Steve replied to the topic Tricks to identify a 52 TD replica VW in the forum Car Registry 8 years, 5 months ago
Thanks! I check it out next visit to the car! – boltonboy (steve)
Steve started the topic Tricks to identify a 52 TD replica VW in the forum Car Registry 8 years, 5 months ago
Hi Everyone!
I just signed on and hope to become a useful member in time. First I have a little story.
While on a country drive a week ago I spotted a 1952 MG TD replica sitting quietly in a private yard filled with older cars, some trailers and some junk. It was just outside a small town in the Eastern Townships of Quebec about an hour from…[Read more]
Steve became a registered member 8 years, 5 months ago
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