OH_Varmntr replied to the topic Project Zella in the forum My Project 7 years, 7 months ago
It’s been awhile so I thought I’d update my thread here. I see that the photobucket fiasco has robbed this site of many pictures as well.
Zella will be getting a new carb once she is nestled into her new home. I’m in process of building a 48×64 shop right now. If interested you can follow along on the Garage Journal forum at the link be…[Read more]
OH_Varmntr replied to the topic Project Zella in the forum My Project 7 years, 11 months ago
This is the design I was working off of.
OH_Varmntr replied to the topic Project Zella in the forum My Project 7 years, 11 months ago
Edsnova, there are 2 more longer tabs that I’ll weld to each end. These tabs will extend up into the bucket and meet with the side plates and secure the bar to the bucket with bolts. That way I can remove it if needed. My coworker dropped his bucket off to me today so tomorrow I’ll get his fitted and finished. More pics to come for you guy…[Read more]
OH_Varmntr replied to the topic Project Zella in the forum My Project 7 years, 11 months ago
Edsnova, there are 2 more longer tabs that I’ll weld to each end. These tabs will extend up into the bucket and meet with the side plates and secure the bar to the bucket with bolts. That way I can remove it if needed. My coworker dropped his bucket off to me today so tomorrow I’ll get his fitted and finished. More pics to come for you guy…[Read more]
OH_Varmntr replied to the topic Project Zella in the forum My Project 7 years, 11 months ago
New intake manifold is in. Hopefully this weekend I’ll have time to throw it on.
Meanwhile, been working on getting a quote for a Morton building. Looking at a 54x60x14 building.
Also, took some time to build a few toothbars for tractor buckets. One for me, one for a guy I work with.
OH_Varmntr replied to the topic Project Zella in the forum My Project 7 years, 11 months ago
Will do, thanks! I started with a junk one to begin with. This being a maintenance item, it doesn’t look as though it’s ever been done.
Once a year should do the trick I think.
OH_Varmntr replied to the topic Project Zella in the forum My Project 7 years, 11 months ago
Haha I’m assuming you’re saying that based on my proposed shop size? My wife is an amazing woman. We’ve been talking about sizes and she just keeps telling me to build what I want the first time. 😀
This could get expensive!
Anywho, I ordered a new intake manifold. I wanted to go ahead and replace the rest of the exhaust but it’s still sol…[Read more]
OH_Varmntr replied to the topic Project Zella in the forum My Project 7 years, 12 months ago
I can only laugh at what I found. She was icing, no doubt about it.
First off, the flanges were nearly welded shut by the folks who built the exhaust. Not only that, but the thru-holes from the heat riser pipes to the exhaust headers off cylinders 2 and 4 were anything but correct. I’m guessing once they welded the flange pipes to the he…[Read more]
OH_Varmntr replied to the topic Project Zella in the forum My Project 7 years, 12 months ago
I can only laugh at what I found. She was icing, no doubt about it.
First off, the flanges were nearly welded shut by the folks who built the exhaust. Not only that, but the thru-holes from the heat riser pipes to the exhaust headers off cylinders 2 and 4 were anything but correct. I’m guessing once they welded the flange pipes to the he…[Read more]
OH_Varmntr replied to the topic Project Zella in the forum My Project 7 years, 12 months ago
I pulled the carb back apart to double check I had all the passages clean, which I did.
She fired back up, the choke plate all the way open once it warmed up then, then she quit idling. The intake tube under the carb was ice cold. Felt the heat riser pipes coming from cylinders 2 and 4 and they are barely warm where they attach to the exhaust f…[Read more]
OH_Varmntr replied to the topic Project Zella in the forum My Project 8 years ago
I threatened Stirling with spinach for dinner if he didn’t tell me how to fix it. Man that kid can keep a secret! 😀
Vacuum leaks are next on my list after confirming the correct jets are in it. I know the previous owner said he’s had it worked on a few times and it’s apparent.
The throttle shaft is definitely loose fitting in the carb bo…[Read more]
OH_Varmntr replied to the topic Project Zella in the forum My Project 8 years ago
I had originally overlooked this, but my 30 PICT 2 does NOT have an idle shut off valve. It has a fixed jet in it.
From everything I have read, the West German carb I have came with one but it was common to replace them with a fixed jet when they failed. So now I need to verify I have the correct size installed and start from there.
OH_Varmntr replied to the topic Project Zella in the forum My Project 8 years ago
Thank you. I’m hoping he takes to wrenching like I did growing up.
My receiver is a Sherwood 8910 at 60 watts per channel. Provides me with some great tunes when I’m alone in the garage. 😀
I’m not entirely sure what’s going on with the idle circuit. She just doesn’t want to stay idling when on the road. When in the garage, she stays runn…[Read more]
OH_Varmntr replied to the topic Project Zella in the forum My Project 8 years ago
Thank you. I’m hoping he takes to wrenching like I did growing up.
My receiver is a Sherwood 8910 at 60 watts per channel. Provides me with some great tunes when I’m alone in the garage. 😀
I’m not entirely sure what’s going on with the idle circuit. She just doesn’t want to stay idling when on the road. When in the garage, she stays runn…[Read more]
OH_Varmntr replied to the topic Project Zella in the forum My Project 8 years ago
Most of the parts came in so yesterday was spent installing the new distributor, plugs, wires, fuel lines, tuning the carb, etc…
Stirling approves.
Working on getting it in. After setting the engine to TDC-compression (verified by pulling the valve cover on the right bank and finding TDC after the intake valve closed on cylinder 1), I…[Read more]
OH_Varmntr replied to the topic Project Zella in the forum My Project 8 years ago
Most of the parts came in so yesterday was spent installing the new distributor, plugs, wires, fuel lines, tuning the carb, etc…
Stirling approves and was wearing his car-tuning clothes.
Working on getting it in. After setting the engine to TDC-compression (verified by pulling the valve cover on the right bank and finding TDC after the…[Read more]
OH_Varmntr replied to the topic Project Zella in the forum My Project 8 years ago
Most of the parts came in so yesterday was spent installing the new distributor, plugs, wires, fuel lines, tuning the carb, etc…
Stirling approves and was wearing his car-tuning clothes.
Working on getting it in. After setting the engine to TDC-compression (verified by pulling the valve cover on the right bank and finding TDC after the…[Read more]
OH_Varmntr replied to the topic Project Zella in the forum My Project 8 years ago
I found a station about 24 miles from me that has non-ethanol fuel. Guess this is a good reason to build a fuel tank to keep 20 gallons or so on hand.
OH_Varmntr replied to the topic Project Zella in the forum My Project 8 years ago
Another round of parts should start trickling in here soon…
Rebuild kit for my 30 PICT 2, PerTronix Flame-Thrower Vacuum Advance distributor, plugs and wires, new vacuum and fuel hoses, fuel filter and fuel shutoff valve.
I figured a Seafoam treatment of the fuel during the off-months is best and dealing with fuel in the oil from an o…[Read more]
OH_Varmntr started the topic Info Pack for Fiberfab MIGI II in the forum General Discussion 8 years ago
The fella that runs the Fiberclassics Facebook page posted he’s trying to sell an info pack for a Fiberfab MIGI II and I thought I’d let everyone here know in case they’d be interested. Doesn’t list a price.
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