Todd Gertler

  • Just wanted to let you know I am still working on the Barn find boxed MGTD project.  My son and I had been working on it but mu son got the itch to travel out west for a few weeks.  He did that, came back, began dating got engaged and got married (3/18/20 all within a 7 month period.  So things have been on hold for a bit and now I am mostly th…[Read more]

  • Todd Gertler posted a new activity comment 5 years, 9 months ago

    Ok so I went back up where we picked the Kit up out of the pole barn and after 3 years I found a bumper bracket so I have something to make the other 3 from and I found the 2 large rear bumper brackets that would have been difficult to make. Get it done!
    • Ok so I went back up where we picked the Kit up out of the pole barn and after 3 years I found a bumper bracket so I have something to make the other 3 from and I found the 2 large rear bumper brackets that would have been difficult to make. Get it done!

        • A few more pictures of the 52 MGTD REPLICA project. Going along rather nicely for a 30 year Fiberfab sitting in a barn.
        • About 95% done with the body on the 52 MGTD Replica, Moving onto the chassis and motor soon. Does anyone have the dimensions on the s-shaped front and rear bumper brackets? Would like to make them if I can.
          • Ok so I went back up where we picked the Kit up out of the pole barn and after 3 years I found a bumper bracket so I have something to make the other 3 from and I found the 2 large rear bumper brackets that would have been difficult to make. Get it done!
          • Are there any suggestions out there on the best way to place and pushdown on the window with the black rubber bottom pad so the rubber will flatten out and the window can be bolted to the body.  The rubber is really stiff and I have thought about just using a flat 1″ x 3/16″ rubber weather strip under the window bottom frame.    Also, any in…[Read more]

          • Todd Gertler changed their profile picture 6 years ago

          • Todd Gertler posted an update 6 years ago

            The 1952 MGTD Replica Project is moving along rather smoothly. I continue to be surprised at how well the parts have held up after sitting for 30 years in a pole barn. We are beginning the wiring step. Hope to have body completed by mid-spring snd then move onto the chassis/motor. We anyone knows where I could source the wiper assembly with…[Read more]

          • Just thought I would give a quick update on this project. The body is going together very well and we are up to Step 6. I have attached a picture of the project so far. We…

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          • 2 years ago a friend of my late mother gifted a FiberFab 52 MGTD to my son and we ramping up to start this project.  When we went to get the kit it was still packed in the wooden crate/ plastic sheeting and all items were in the original boxes.  All the stickers are on the body parts with the name of either the person who molded the part or i…[Read more]

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