Mike Poinsett

  • I found the engine number (H0639554). The previous owner had the 1500 engine rebuilt in 2008 and increased the displacement to 1641cc. According to the engine number, it is a 1967. According to the chassis number (117592986) it is a 1967. The title says it’s a 1982 Assembled Vehicle, so I am guessing that the body number (822293-3) will…[Read more]

  • Thanks again for the info.

  • Another question, do I have to completely remove the shift rod to install the new bushing? It looks to me like I can grease up the rod and slip the bushing on to the rear of the rod and inch it up to the front where it belongs. The inspection cover in the front of the frame pan is behind some of the body work and I don’t think the rod will come…[Read more]

  • OK, so last night I unbolted and removed the shift lever and I discovered that the bracket that is inside the tunnel that holds the plastic shift rod bushing isn’t fastened to the tunnel. It seems to me that it should be welded to the tunnel. How am I going to get everything back together after replacing the bushing if that bracket is loose in…[Read more]

  • Thanks for all the info, guys. I will attack this problem post haste since it’s almost impossible to drive my new toy the way it is. Do you all have a favorite parts source for these vehicles? I’m new to this and hate to get ripped off.

  • Larry, thanks for the info. I didn’t know the London Roadsters were factory assembled. I am thinking that this is a good thing as I have seen some MG’s that have been put together pretty poor, to say the least. I had been told that the London Roadster is a good quality car and, judging from your photos, I believe that’s true. Your cars are…[Read more]

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