long drive

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    Hey folks,
    I took Verdi out for a three day drive this weekend. We went from Fairmont, West Virginia to Knoxville, TN and back over a three day interval. She did great. My butt is flat but will be fine. Lots of good conversations at rest areas and when I stopped to gas up. Nothing like it. Never had more fun with a car.

    Larry Murphy


      Will, If you think it’s fun now,just wait till warm weather gets here.It only gets better!!!

    edward ericson


    Will, you are the man! I totally want to do a trip like that. Thinking maybe this summer.



    How many miles was that in each direction?  A three-day trip sounds fun.  I don’t know if my girlfriend would be up for the wind battering for that long.  I say that’s time for the leather helmet and goggles.  Silk scarf optional.

    Paul Mossberg


    I’m sure your girlfriend will love the effect the leather helmet will have on her hair!


    And as Will proved, it is possible to go long distances in these little cars.


    I’ve done a NJ to Indianapolis roundtrip. And NJ to Cincinnatti roundtrip. Those were solo runs.


    With company, I’ve done long weekends from NJ into Massachusetts.


    The old New Jersey Replicar Club had to “senior” members, each with TDs and small trailers. They lived in northeastern Pennsylvania. Those two guys and their understanding wives had driven their TDs through almost all of the 48 lower states. 

    Paul Mossberg
    Former Owner of a 1981 Classic Roadsters Ltd. Duchess (VW)
    2005 Intermeccanica Roadster

    If you own a TDr and are not in the Registry, please go to https://tdreplica.com/forums/topic/mg-td-replica-registry/ and register (you need to copy and paste the link)



    My girlfriend has already refused to wear a leather helmet. She has blonde long hair well past her shoulders. That would be torture for her.



    Nothing is cuter/prettier/sexier than a girl with a pony-tail in a TD.  (But I’m glad that I don’t have one slapping me around, pony tail, that is.)

    edward ericson


    scarf. A la Jackie O.



    I haven’t seen Two for the Road yet (shame on me), but didn’t Audrey Hepburn wear a scarf, too?



    I just looked it up: Scarfs are required in all CONUS. 

    Montie Henderson


    Mark, Yes she did.  GREAT movie.  Thats who my car is named after.  My wife (girl friend at that time) and I saw it waaaay back then, and decided some day we would have a TD.  

    Bill Gould


    That’s one of our favorite movies, too, although the scene that follows the TD’s breakdown outside the fancy hotel always leaves me weepy. Cry

    1981 Lafer TI
    1600 cc Type 1 engine

    edward ericson


    I made Karen watch “Two for the Road” with me last year & she got pissed off about halfway through. Think we were both expecting a bit more of a storybook romance there. 



    Oh, why the upset lady?

    john barry


    Great movie Two for the Road.. who cares about the script … it’s all about seeing the MG TD……

    edward ericson


    I think Albert Finney’s character made her not like the movie. The car wasn’t in enough scenes to make up for it. After it caught fire, it was all down hill from there.

    john barry


    maybe Albert Finney reminded us of Simon Cowell

    Montie Henderson


    I agree, it was all about the car.  If I remember right, after the fire they then shoved it in a pond.   Still one of our fav movies. 

    john barry


    Its a fun movie to watch up to the fire. especially since my Island Girl  is the same color ! I love the older movies …They dont makemovies like that any more and Audrey Hepburn is beautiful !


    jebarry2012-03-10 10:17:56



    OK, my friends.  No more movie spoilers, please.  I’d like to watch it not knowing everything that will happen ahead of time.

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