Home Forums Picture Gallery TD Replicas NEWBIE LOOKING AT 2 TOYS

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  • #235540
    Edward Davidson


    good morning folks, I’m a newbie here, looking at 2 different toys, and, have a hard choice.

    my initial thoughts were to buy this tdr, drive, and, fix up, then sell;

    then, this popped up;

    I currently have this;

    and, the way I got to it, was to buy, and, sell my way there, started with $1,000, and, after 18 months, paid $8,500 for it with profit money made form rolling over the other cars, and, selling used parts.

    I still have a little left over cash, so, I thought I would check these out.

    now, the way I see it, I could buy the cheaper one, and, do the same deal, all over again, or, just cut to the chase, and, get the better one.

    I’m not even sure I like driving one, because, there’s none around me, and, I know that there’s a market, because, I have found a couple of them, sitting for years, dead, falling apart, and, not for sale, with people looking for them.

    I would really like to get some input to help me decide what to do, but there is a catch, I plan to go one way or the other this weekend, if at all possible.

    thanks for looking, and, any input would be greatly appreciated.

    MG wanna B2015-01-19 10:17:39



    IMO, TDrs are not good candidates for the “buy it and fix it up, then sell it” type of transactions. To be frank, their resale value sucks, compared to the time and money invested. Stock VWs, which continue to appreciate in value (some years/models more than others) are much better suited for buying/fixing/selling, though still more a labor of love than a moneymaking proposition.

    On the other hand, if you want a classic-styled open air sports car that’s economical to purchase, own and operate, they may be the best bargain out there. They’re a fraction the cost of a Speedster replica, for example…

    If you want a fun car at an affordable price, that’s cheaper to own and operate than an MGB, then go for option 1. Be aware that only a very few will sell for the $7500 price in the other ad. Most seem to sell about the $5k point, plus or minus…KentT2015-01-19 10:39:37

    Early FF TDr on 69 VW pan
    Slowly coming back from the ashes...

    Vicenç Feliú


    I’ll second what Kent said.  

    Vicenç - (bee sense)
    Pembroke Pines, FL
    1986 Aston - BCW Model 52 - "Montse II"

    (1983 FiberFab MiGi II - "Montse")



    I fully agree with Kent.
    If you think you might want to buy, fix up, join our club and become a TDer, you ought to come to New Bern for a day and see and maybe drive 3 of them.

    Paul Mossberg


    Hi Ed,

    Welcome aboard!

    I agree with the previous comments.

    The two for $6500 deal in the first link should give you some room for profit.

    I think the second car you posted is already over-priced, even taking into account the tube frame and r&p steering. On a perfect day, a perfect TD replica might sell in the $7,500 neighborhood. But I  believe $5 to $6k is more likely. Just my humble opinion, and I wish I was wrong. I’d liek to think my car was worth more! 😉

    Paul Mossberg
    Former Owner of a 1981 Classic Roadsters Ltd. Duchess (VW)
    2005 Intermeccanica Roadster

    If you own a TDr and are not in the Registry, please go to and register (you need to copy and paste the link)

    Edward Davidson



    I do want to add that, the dollar figures can be disregarded on both, as, I have negotiated better prices on both, more on the more expensive one.

    also, I feel that there’s still a little more wiggle room on both, should I actually go to look at them, because, I would go with preparations to purchase, and, bring home one, on the spot.

    I also want to ad that the cheaper one is a running, basically, road ready car, and the seller has sent me a video, this past Thursday, to show it as being a driver.

    MG wanna B2015-01-19 10:52:21



    Given that, I’d certainly go toward the 2-for-1 deal, then clean the VW up and sell it. You’d then have the TDr at a price point where you can either enjoy owning it, or, at worst get your money back out of it. The one priced at $7500 would have to a “local show winner” quality to command close to that price…KentT2015-01-19 11:09:39

    Early FF TDr on 69 VW pan
    Slowly coming back from the ashes...

    Edward Davidson


    I only went for the tdr, and, still got a good bit off, before even going.

    I was thinking I could get it, drive, and dress it up, and, sell later, to maybe get into a better one, or, get in at a really low investment point, and enjoy.

    it does have issues, 1 or 2 that I’m not real happy with, but can live with them.



    Personally, I got in at a low investment point, but am already at the point that I’d do well to get my money out of it, having rebuilt a new engine for it… But, it has been a fun “pay as you go” adventure. Lots of good helpful people here to bounce ideas off, and to cheer you on…

    Early FF TDr on 69 VW pan
    Slowly coming back from the ashes...

    Edward Davidson


    the mechanical items are in good shape, but the biggest issue I have with it is the floor pan has had work done. it’s not too bad, but, I don’t think it’s a deal breaker.

    won’t know for sure, until I get my hands on it, but, I still, kinda, think it’s the better way to go, for the money.



    Floor pan issues are common on VWs. Replacement/repair panels are widely available. Quality of work done is key…

    Early FF TDr on 69 VW pan
    Slowly coming back from the ashes...

    Edward Davidson



    that’s my hang up. I don’t have first hand knowledge of the repair, but, on the plus side, it’s only 1 area. on 1 side.

    isn’t there some way to load pictures here?



    Yep. Click the angled arrow icon and you’ll get a full editor view, which has photo upload icons on it.

    Early FF TDr on 69 VW pan
    Slowly coming back from the ashes...

    Edward Davidson


    here’s the patch

    Paul Mossberg


    Doesn’t look too too bad from underneath. But the seams needs to be sealed and undercoated.

    What’s it look like from the top side? Hopefully it’s welded in and not bonded with some sort of adhesive.

    Paul Mossberg
    Former Owner of a 1981 Classic Roadsters Ltd. Duchess (VW)
    2005 Intermeccanica Roadster

    If you own a TDr and are not in the Registry, please go to and register (you need to copy and paste the link)

    John Simion


    I like this:  “Personally, I got in at a low investment point …”

    Yeah, I had the same thought when I only paid $3000 for mine.  Of course, that was about $8000 ago and I’m still waiting to get the last bit of work back from the mechanic, and I STILL haven’t redone the paint or the interior as intended.  OTOH, I’m going to have the finest running Volkswagen in Las Vegas.  LOL
    Edward Davidson


    I’m hoping that it’s been done well, but, I can always use it to bargain with.

    Edward Davidson


    well folks, it looks like a road trip, this sunday, to look at the cheaper one.

    Bill Gould


    Even at $3,500 I’d say you were getting a decent deal if it’s running halfway decent.

    Good luck, and do keep us posted.

    1981 Lafer TI
    1600 cc Type 1 engine

    Edward Davidson


    it’s running, driving, and, basically ready to tag, insure, and, drive.

    my goal is to get it around $2,500, – $2,750.

    I already have him to $3,000 and haven’t even left home, yet.

    edward ericson


    Hey Ed, welcome aboard. I told you we’d get it all straightened out. 

    Like that B car with the chebby 2.8. I had a Pontiac convertible with that same mill in it–3.1, actually–but get this: those idiots at the factory installed it sideways! Anyway it ran OK for the 160,000 miles or so I used it….
    Good luck with the TDr. Here’s hoping you fit right in it.
    Edward Davidson


    I’m liking it, now that I can finally post.

    got lots of great information, and, maybe, i’ll be posting pictures of a “new to me” toy, soon.

    1st hunting trip planned this Sunday to South Carolina.

    Edward Davidson


    well folks,

     I’m going to go get the more expensive one, sunday. the more I got to checking into the cheaper one, the less I liked it.



    Don’t forget to make your reservations at Carlisle.   Welcome. 

    Edward Davidson


    first, I want to get it home, do some serious cleaning, and, regroup my spending funds. this is taking it’s toll on my mg profits, and, want to get back into the black, funding wise.

    I was actually surprised to find out that a potential buyer, from Maryland, drove all the way to it, and, then wanted to finish bidding on it on ebay.

    anyway, going to go get it sunday, due to the sucky weather we’re having, right now.

    updates coming monday

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