Vince Vawter accepted an invitation from Paul Mossberg and became a registered member 2 years ago
Stephen Houser wrote a new post 2 years ago
The VW Carburetor System
Originally written by Rob Kuhn Between 1961 and 1974, VW used a variety of carburetors. They all work on the same general principle. The fuel system […]
Stephen Houser replied to the topic Technical Articles missing in the forum General Discussion 2 years ago
I fixed the Carburetor Flat Spots one and will work on the remainder as I have time. If there is one in particular you are looking for, I can prioritize it if you let me know.
Stephen Houser wrote a new post 2 years ago
Carburetor Flat Spots
By-pass Orifices The drillings (orifices) in the throttle chamber close to the throttle plate are known as “by-passes”. The purpose of these is to ensure […]
Stephen Houser replied to the topic Technical Articles missing in the forum General Discussion 2 years ago
Working on it…
Paul Mossberg replied to the topic Technical Articles missing in the forum General Discussion 2 years ago
We are working on this.
Most of the articles are there. But the links are broken in these three categories: Ignition, Carburetor & Fuel, and Transmission and Drive
Stephen Houser started the topic Missing Files in the Library in the forum Site Input and Issues 2 years ago
It looks like we are missing a few files/documents from the Library!
I think they have been missing since we switched sites a number of years ago and we never noticed. I’ve got a pretty solid backup from then so will be digging around to get them back on the site as time permits.
edward ericson replied to the topic 5 lug VW wheel conversion to wired wheel in the forum General Discussion 2 years ago
You can drill (or have a machine shop drill) your brake drums to the BMC 4 lug by 4.5 inch lug pattern and then use Triumph TR2/3 bolt on hubs to mount the legit 48 or 60-spoke MWS wheels to your car.
That is what Roy did, and I did the same on mine. Our hubs were 4×130 late model VW hubs though, not your earlier wide 5s.
Given the bolt spacing…[Read more]
Scott Glasco replied to the topic Classic Roadsters VW Assembly Manual in the forum VW Based Kits 2 years ago
Thanks very much for adding me to the site.
I just bought a Duchess. After I got it home I realized the wiring was a mess. It’s almost all working now thanks to the wiring diagrams. I’m actually going through and color coding them if anyone needs them.
Thanks again,
Warren Satterlee started the topic Technical Articles missing in the forum General Discussion 2 years ago
Many of the technical articles I want to look at are not available. I get the following message:
“It looks like nothing was found at this location. Maybe try a search?”
Are the articles available somewhere else on the site?
billnparts replied to the topic 5 lug VW wheel conversion to wired wheel in the forum General Discussion 2 years ago
The late great Royal Hendrix did a wire wheel conversion on his TD. He claimed it was not easy. He should have a thread in here on it.
Warren Satterlee replied to the topic For Sale. 1981 Classic Roadster LTD Grand Dutches $7900 #16 of 250 in the forum Classifieds 2 years ago
still available?
Paul Mossberg replied to the topic Classic Roadsters VW Assembly Manual in the forum VW Based Kits 2 years ago
Hover over the Library link in the tool bar near the top of the page, then click on Manuals.
Paul Mossberg replied to the topic 5 lug VW wheel conversion to wired wheel in the forum General Discussion 2 years ago
I’m sure you know, real wires and very expensive.
It’s likely going to be a challenge to find real wires for the early five lug Type 1 bolt pattern. even harder to find a wire wheel with close to the 48 spoke count for an original TD.
You might want to swap the drums for four bolt, which will make the search easier. You can also drill the five…[Read more]
Warren Satterlee accepted an invitation from Paul Mossberg and became a registered member 2 years ago
Paul Mossberg replied to the topic Need some info on a fiberfab throttle cable in the forum General Discussion 2 years ago
The pedal cluster has been moved back several feet as our TDr seat is essentially where the back seat of an original VW Beetle was. That’s why your throttle cable is too long.
As was mentioned above, simply use a stock cable, cut to length and use one of these:
Danilo Fernandes started the topic 5 lug VW wheel conversion to wired wheel in the forum General Discussion 2 years ago
Is there any possibility of converting a VW based MG TD Fiberfab 5 lug wheel into a wired wheel?
I know that MGMagicmotorparts sells like a wired cover for your wheels but I would like to do a complete alteration.
Thank you.
Dale Schumacher replied to the topic VA Beach 2023 in the forum Clubs and Show 2 years ago
Maybe I can win another flight
Dale Schumacher replied to the topic VA Beach 2023 in the forum Clubs and Show 2 years ago
I’m in – Rockstar parking for me as well.
Hopefully no rain out date as it’s vacation days for me – no every day is a vacation day like Bill.
See you guys in route to Va Beach in Port Royal VA on that Friday
Paris vonRabenau started the topic Convertible top too small from supplier in the forum Site 2 years ago
I called and he said it will fit. just move the bracket to the inside by buying the coversion we sell. OK I said.
Oh, and then add in a tube when you cut the bow down to fit.
We got as far as putting the top snap buttons in place and I have a piece of tubing that will work. The brackets left the top ridge with holes now on either side but I…[Read more]
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