Stefan replied to the topic Final Drive Seal in the forum VW Based Kits 4 months, 1 week ago
Want to reply to myself in case it helps anyone in the future.
The seal needs to be the right size: 36x60x9.5 worked much easier than the other larger types I tried.
Anything large enough to encompass the seals diameter will work to hammer on. I used a spool of soldering wire, but even a specific seal drivers can be bought at Harbor Freight for…[Read more]
foolthrottle replied to the topic WTB: Ford or Chevette based TD in the forum MGTD Cars WANTED 4 months, 2 weeks ago
sent info
Dbanta replied to the topic WTB: Ford or Chevette based TD in the forum MGTD Cars WANTED 4 months, 2 weeks ago
<p style=”text-align: left;”>How much are you asking? You can email pictures to dbanta@banta-group.com. thanks.</p>
foolthrottle replied to the topic WTB: Ford or Chevette based TD in the forum MGTD Cars WANTED 4 months, 2 weeks ago
Chevette based kit CMC un assembled complete no engine or trans, everything else, red. I have a 350 chev v8 and 4 speed that could be included. My plan was to build an open wheel vintage look hot rod. I could also include a car hauler trailer for additional.
Car kit is located in Colorado, can e-mail pictures on request
Stefan started the topic Final Drive Seal in the forum VW Based Kits 4 months, 2 weeks ago
I cannot seem to get this final drive seal on my transmission. I wanted to use a socket and hammer it in, but I do not own a big enough socket to do so. It seems like the 36x60x45 seal I have tried using was too large, and subsequent seals that I have bought have not fit either. I bought some 36x60x36 seals to try again for the third time.
I want…[Read more]
Gary accepted an invitation from Paul Mossberg and became a registered member 4 months, 2 weeks ago
Tater Schuld accepted an invitation from Paul Mossberg and became a registered member 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Michael Tivey posted an update 4 months, 3 weeks ago
@pmossberg Hi I have just joined the club and had a quick run through of the site. I have a 1953 Allison Daytona but have not seen any mentions of Allison’s on here but did have Daytona. Can I take it as this is the Allison? Thank you from Mike T.
Michael Tivey accepted an invitation from Paul Mossberg and became a registered member 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Molly Paradise changed their profile picture 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Molly Paradise replied to the topic MG TD REPLICA REGISTRY in the forum Car Registry 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Molly Paradise (@mollymayhem) Munfordville, Kentucky 1980 Daytona MIGI Daytona Automotive Fiberglass,VW ’71 CA. Red. White. Factory
John Ware posted an update 4 months, 3 weeks ago
What’s new That would me. New kid in town. Car guy for over 7 decades and kit car guy since the 60s. Computers are the bane of my existence , but I use them because they are handy. Usually with multiple errors, so I beg your understanding in advance. I recently picked up a partially done kit with what I hope are the majority of pieces. Time will…[Read more]
John Ware accepted an invitation from Paul Mossberg and became a registered member 4 months, 3 weeks ago
Richard Abbott accepted an invitation from Paul Mossberg and became a registered member 4 months, 3 weeks ago
billnparts started the topic Pocono Raceway in the forum Clubs and Show 5 months ago
Well, I checked another item from my bucket list. I went and took my MG to Pocono Raceway last Thursday for one of the SCCA’s Track Night in America events. This video is from one of four sessions they give you. There are different classes relating to skill level. This is from a Novice session. I’ve a lot of seat time racing this car, but it was…[Read more]
billnparts replied to the topic Oil Dipstick guide detached in the forum Chevy/Ford Kits 5 months ago
As I recall it’s on the left side of the block just above the oil pan on a flat boss apx. halfway along the block. When mine pulled out I simply epoxied it back in.
Wendy Carr replied to the topic Oil Dipstick guide detached in the forum Chevy/Ford Kits 5 months ago
Can anyone tell me WHERE the dip stick is supposed to be? I can not find anything that looks like a tube coming off the oil pan. Can anyone send a picture of where their dipstick is located on a pinto build?
Gregg Strain replied to the topic Wiring diagram in the forum General Discussion 5 months ago
Jack Bestgen accepted an invitation from Paul Mossberg and became a registered member 5 months ago
Gary Witthans changed their profile picture 5 months, 1 week ago
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