
  • Johnny Mann posted an update 11 months, 2 weeks ago

    @billnparts I just acquired my Duchess and the only major problem is the windshield. The chrome is peeling and it’s created hundreds of sharp shards that make it dangerous to touch.
    I was going to grind and sand in down so I could have it rechromed but discovered there are no more chrome shops to be found within a thousand miles. Does anyone know if there is one anywhere out there I can buy.
    I’ve actually found an original MG TD fold down windshield complete and wonder if anyone has had success adapting it to the 52 Grand Duchess? It would require major fiberglass modification on the cowling to round it off to the proper width and angles .

    In my youth I owned 3 MG TDs (51-53) and I’ve got to say for beauty, comfort, and low maintenance, the Ducchess wins hands down. Plus I don’t have to find a mechanic with Whitworth tools.