MGTD Kit car suspension

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John Simion


Welcome to the group.  I see that Ed responded about 10 seconds before I did, so sorry for any duplication.  Ed has forgotten more than I know.
The answer to your question kind of depends on what you actually have.  “Real” wire wheels seem to be pretty rare among TDr’s and we’d love to see a picture of your car because that would be pretty darned cool.  However, more information is needed.  If your car has adapted “real” English wire wheels to fit, you might try Moss Motors because I know they carry wire wheels for “real” English cars, together with parts and accessories for them.  If you have “real” wire wheels from some other manufacturer (Dayton, Truespoke, etc.), I doubt if the pieces would be standard.  That means that you’d have to figure out which manufacturer it was and contact them.  OTOH, a lot of TDr owners either have (or had) nice-looking wire wheel “covers” that some people would simply call “wire wheels.”  If you have wire wheel covers like most of us, and there are parts missing, you could check with MG Magic because I believe they carry the centers for them (but I wouldn’t call them “spinners,” either). 

Since my wire wheel covers weren’t all that impressive after 30 years, I had my wheels sandblasted and powdercoated, then built MG hubcaps by adding the MG logo from Moss to VW hubcaps with no logo on them.  I got the idea right here and it worked fantastic!  I put those on the freshly-painted wheels (matching the body) with cool trim rings from CIP1 and wide whitewalls.  The combo makes a fantastic appearance and is a good mimic for a “real” TD.  Of course the look isn’t even close to the cool looks of real wire wheels, but then the cost was a fraction, too.

johnsimion2015-10-07 23:24:47