Body Trim

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  • #232108
    Mike McAllister


    I have noticed that some of the photos show trim around the edge of the fenders/running boards. These seem to catch a lot of nicks. What has anyone been using for this and did you paint to match the car.

    Second, some models seem to have a trim piece down the center of the hood. Can anyone tell me what they did there?



    Mark Hendrickson



    My British Coach Works Chevette based kit has an actual functioning MGTD hood hinge. Bill Collins just added a “fake” hinge to his car “Angelica”. Contact him, he’ll be glad to help.

    Michael Pullen



    The last time I looked, MG Magic carried the trim stip and end caps for same, to be used on the hood of your kit. As I recall, the price struck me as very high (much of their stuff is pretty reasonable) but that’s for you to decide.  If you get it, don’t forget the fasteners. You can find all the info on MG Magic on our companion website, if it isn’t on this one yet. Good luck.


    Michael aka merlin


    Mike McAllister


    Merlin – I mean Michael

    I was unaware theat MG Magic had a companion website. Can you give the information to get to it. I think you are the one in Waco, I live in Weatherford.


    Michael Pullen



    Sorry to take so long to get back.  I’ve been very busy at work (earning the money I need to work on Merlin) and haven’t been watching the postings closely.  We have a mis-communication here; I was referring to OUR companion website, which has the price list for MG Magic in it’s “suppliers” file.  Also lots of information about the company if you look at the old messages.


    I just assume everyone knows our story; how we immigrated across cyber-space to seed this new world when ours became over-crowded ,mostly by endless pictures of cars. MG Magic has a phone number which is (984)680-2010.

    Hope this information is helpful.  Good luck.




     I missed this topic or I would have chimed in earlier.

    I bought my trim from JC Whitney,  Mine, I pushed up over the edge but some place where the fiberglass was thick, I used a little contact cement on the backside to hold it in place. I had to get a little creative where the running boards and fenders come together but again, a little contact cement and a exact-o knife I got it to work out.

    The link below will take you to the stuff I used. Had to order two rolls to cover from front center to rear of running board. Had a little left over and used it to trim the windwings.




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