I have decided to sell my chevette 1.6 litre engine.It is fairly complete and will include the 4 speed tranny.I also have a new gasket set that goes with.Story told to me is this is a fresh rebuild and has not been ran.I cannot verify any of the work.However bores look fresh and has new freeze plugs.I figured for the price of a gasket set to at least tear it down and check torque specs on everthing.Has a new clutch disc and pressure plate,will need cleaning up has surface rust.I would also recomend having the flywheel resurfaaed.$200 takes all, this is what I have in it at this point.This will be for pick up only I will not ship.Locaated in Manitowoc Wisconsin,54220.email-scottandlynne@sbcglobal.net
If I can’t sell to a member here on the site,I will keep it go through it have it running on a stand,then the price goes up.I have $200 in it and $200 takes it.